Made up Characters Wiki
Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Zeus, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

This article, Zeus, is property of Demon Redwood.


A fancy bust of Zeus.

Zeus, otherwise known as Jupiter is the king of the ancient Greco-Roman gods pantheons. His brothers are Hades and Poseidon. His sisters are Hera, Hestia and Demeter. He married his sister named Hera and in case that wasn't disgusting enough, he has had numerous affairs with his wife and sister for various mortal women as well as other goddesses. Athena, the twins named Artemis and Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes and Dionysus were his god and goddess children born to his mistress goddesses. Hera is no better though. She has a bad habit of punishing children of Zeus whenever he has an affair with other females rather than Zeus himself. Maybe she just fears him and takes it all on the kids. It doesn't matter if they're gods or demigods. Only the Olympian gods Ares and Hephaestus were born to Hera and Zeus which is why Hera leaves those two in particular alone. Regardless, Zeus is every bit of a jack donkey as the Abrahamic god, or as more commonly known, Gait. They're both extremely arrogant cads (not Chads) and if someone doesn't follow them or their rules, it's anything but pretty. The war god, Ares is also the top enforcer of both Zeus and Hera. In fact, it's up to Hades, Athena, Hermes, Artemis, and Apollo to put an end to the reign of terror of both Zeus and Gait once and for all!

However, it is possible that Zeus has been defeated already considering how small his religious sect is today and his role in the series, but it is clear that Gait hasn't been.


  • His second name Jupiter is not to be mistaken with the car Jupiter, nor the Jupiter Clan of Nevada.
  • He was once thought to be the Outworld deity known as Zaggot, father of Kotal Kahn, but this was proven false as Zeus has no connections at all to Outworld. However, both look pretty similar.
  • Despite being a nasty character, much like Gait, him being the King of Gods would actually mean his power level far exceeds Isus Christus's power level. However, no christian would ever admit that and they would actually feel deeply offended if you said that. However, since we never really see Zeus and his followers today, maybe that's not the case.
  • He is mentioned in an old Animeme video from 11 AH, which means he is technically part of the classic YouTube and existed in the internet culture long before the days of Gen Alpha (we call them Gen Beta, really).
  • His name can also be pronounced as "Zuss".