Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Ye-Dee, is property of Customimage.

Ye-Dee being a scientist.
Biographical information
Real name Ye-Dee
Also known as Dee, Bunny, Mr. & Mrs, Rabbit, Misses Ye, Yee
Nationality South Korean flag South Korean (citizenship)
Born December 24, 2002/2 AH
Age 21
Status Alive
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Height 173 cm
Weight 58 kg
Blood type A
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Chilli, Romy, Yochi, Bonbon, Matetsu, Lawoo, Hikun, Som, Ruru, Woopy, Podong, basically all of TRUZ
Enemies TBA
Occupation(s) Musician
Notable family members Unknown, probably other fairies, like Tinkerbell

Chung-ee (Girlfriend)
Chilli (Friend)
Cabbit (Sister)
Hatt (Friend)

Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) TRUZ
"Yeah, I agree, I say Ye."
— Ye-Dee

Ye-Dee is a water-like refreshing mint-coloured forest fairy from the South Korean woods. With such a cosy and comfy aura, Ye-Dee seems like it can give the best cuddles EVER! And he does, just ask his cuddle buddies, like Chilli or Bonbon. Dear Ye-Dee is often spot taking a walk in the forests or playing its guitar whenever it wants to, to clear up its mind.

Otherwise, Yee can be found dancing around a campfire at night in the forest or playing its famous guitar.
