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This article, Wrath Hammer, is property of Billy cougar.

Awesome wrath hammir
Wrath Hammer

40% health

Magazine Size

It's a hammer, silly

Starting Ammunition


Maximum Ammunition


Reload Time

It's a hammer, but Shao Kahn fills it up with his never-ending wrath every time it gets into his hands

Used by

Shao Kahn, Goro, K'etz Kahn


The Wrath Hammer is a maul of prodigious size, a long-handled hammer with a heavy metal (not the music genre) head. It is similar in appearance and function to a modern sledgehammer but is sometimes shown as having a spear-like spike on the fore-end of the shaft and looks more medieval than modern.

Shao Kahn's Wrath hammer is far larger than historical mauls, logically, such that its sheer mass would be massively unwieldy to anyone not possessing superhuman or non-alien strength. The emperor is able to use the colossal weapon to devastating effect, as can be seen in the Great Battle before the Pyramid of Argus, where he sent numerous opponents flying through the air with single blows. Shao wields his Wrath hammer in all his appearances.

Intractable versions of the Wrath hammer can be found in the Battle Arena in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon and Quan Chi's Fortress in Mortal Kombat X.

