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This article, Williams' Gang, is property of Damon Redwood.

Williams' Gang
Colton Williams bullying William Kjellsson
The former big bad leader, Colt Williams.
Leader(s) Colton Williams (former), Greg Williams
Appears in Bully 2
Country Dixmor Academy, Bullworth, Cholla Hills, Texas
Type School gang
Active 2016/16 AH-today
Motto "Get out of our way or be destroyed!"-Williams himself

Williams' Gang were the newest and meanest gang at Dixmor Academy from Bully 2. They are one of the major villains and are today led by Greg Williams, Colton Williams' cuisine who came from New Orleans to lead the bunch after his cousin was killed by Kim Jing Wei during her attack on the school facility.


Ever since Colton Williams and his evil bunch arrived at Dixmor's in around 16 AH, the status of the worst and strongest school gang that the Jocks had paled down to nothing. Williams usually walks around the school and its halls with his most loyal henchmen named Colby Smith, Corey Evans, Alex Norcroft, Kiley Winselton, Patrick Granger and a forced Caden Quinn. There seems to be no second-in-command, although besides Colt, Colby and Evans make their presence known the most. Not counting the weak Smith's Worshippers, they are the only gang that have two female members while all the others only had one. They are the favoured gang of Mr. Hill, Mr. Rickson and Mr. Pearson, who are three mean teachers who'd pretty much rather die than get saved by a weak child and let them do whatever they want around the school (at least Hill and Pearson would). This gang, Hill, and Pearson are also responsible for turning Dr. Justin Roberts Sr. back into being a mean principal like he was back when Gary Smith "haunted" the school. They changed him back to a mean and ruff headmaster either through sheer manipulation and convinces or blackmail.

As expected, they are on the top of the school hierarchy.

The gang doesn't seem to have any hideout although with status high as theirs, every place they step into becomes their "territory".

They were the biggest and meanest bullies on the Dixmor Academy, until the Chinese student and frequent victim of theirs, Kim Jing Wei killed four members of the group, including Colt himself! However, once his cousin arrived at the Academy the gang retained their status and even incorporated three new bullies into the group, who are unnamed as the events of Bully 2 don't concern us anymore.



  • Similar to Smith's Worshippers, Williams' Gang functions as an actual gang rather than a clique unlike most other Bully gangs did and you do not need to wear any special outfits nor have any personal requirements to fit in.
  • Corey Evans was in the cafeteria when Kim Jing Wei killed three of his gang members, but she spared him and Alex Norcroft for some reason and Corey even apologised for the way the gang treated her.
    • To be fair, Alex and Corey bullied her the least of all the members. In fact Evans probably even didn't or maybe just nobody saw that.

