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This article, William Tartarles, is property of Billy cougar.

William Tartarles
Will Tartarles
Biographical information
Real name William Jason Tartarles
Also known as Bill, Will, Billy, my son, Sun, special boy, long-hair, Phin's boi
Nationality Redneck flag American
Born 18th of February, 1989/11 BH
Age 27
Status Deceased
Birthplace Goose Creek, Berkeley County, South Carolina, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Aryan
Height 5'11
Weight 77kg
Blood type AB+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Bloodhunts, Larry Lou
Enemies Lincoln Clay
Occupation(s) Bloodhunts racket boss, associate
Notable family members Phineas Tartarles (father/uncle)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Mafia III
"My dad's dead and now that prik thinks he can just step here and take me over!?? He better think again..."
— William on Lincoln Clay and his father

William Tartarles is a minor villain character in Mafia III and the son/nephew of a racist businessman and Bloodhunter, Phineas Tartarles.


William Tartarles is the racket boss of the cocaine rackets and shipments in Delray Hollow and a member of the Bloodhunts. Despite being a well-respected member of the Bloodhunts and the relative of the right-hand, Billy's not actually much of a good fighter nor earner, and most of the reasons for the respect he is given might be as well only be due to his relation to Phineas Tartarles. Like with Phineas, he'll work great to lengths to further Bloodhunts' success, but if cornered in a fight, he will be begging all soaked on his knees in a heartbeat if it means keeping his head attached to his neck.

Coke Operation[]

In the Bloodhunts' territory of Delray Hollow, they use and pay the local Church with a Blessed twist to be able of use as a hub for their cocaine operation. His biggest pushers, Clifton Duvall and James Gibare deal the smack in back alleys around the district while his enforcers, one of which includes the loyal Larry Lou, collect the money and keep everyone in line - with guns if need be.


In 16 AH, Willy's racket was taken over by Lincoln Clay, who had just taken over his father/uncle's racket and killed him. Lincoln damaged William's cocaine operation by killing his enforcers, including Larry Lou and destroyed the racket's supply. Once everything fell apart, Tartarles came out of the hiding from his office, begging Lincoln to spare him despite cursing and taunting him earlier. Knowing Lincoln, however, he took no mercy and killed Tartarles after beating him around for sometime, earning the big racket of Delray Hollow.


  • William claimed he preferred the way more "chill" Johnny Houstonson as being the Bloodhunts' leader, rather than the extreme Robert Sanders and even extremer and more xenophobic Moonman. Despite these vices, Johnny was no less racist and discriminating than the other two leaders.
  • Despite a lot of Bloodhunters being against the idea of allowing long-haired individuals into their gang, this doesn't seem to be the case for Billy. This is mostly due him being the child of Phineas Tartarles and because both, Robert Sanders and Moonman, were not really against the idea, although they did not encourage it.