Made up Characters Wiki

This article, William O'Conner, is property of Damon Redwood.

William O'Conner
Biographical information
Real name William Peter O'Conner
Also known as Willy, Bill, William, Conner, Conker, Daddy, old man, old fart, old excuse for a human being, Disappointment, Hobo guy
Nationality Irish-Australia Australian-Irish
Age 58
Status Alive
Birthplace Unknown
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blond
Ethnicity Celtic-Oceanian
Height 5'7
Weight 73 kg
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Leonard Ryan, Logan Ryan
Enemies Tim Brian, Jesse Brian
Occupation(s) Nothing, welfare sucker
Notable family members River O'Conner (adopted daughter)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Sims 3
"Oh dear, oh dear John Gray, could I please have something to eat?"
— Willy begging Johnny Gray for some food at the park

William O'Conner is a social welfare dad who is living in Moonlight Bay in Australia where it never rains anything, except firestorms. He is a gay man who lives in the Single Dads household with his adopted daughter River O'Conner, his boyfriend Leonard Ryan and his adopted son, Logan Ryan. Leonard orders William to pay the house rent with the money he gets from his social welfare while Ryan busts his as off at Basillio Industries Science Facility. Ryan's money is used for everything else in the house. Although they are boyfriends, Leo is actually a little embarrassed of William for some reason, perhaps due to his sloppy nature and the fact that he's almost a hobo. Willy likes to hang around at the Pity Committee Playground, but he is not a pedo at all, trust me.

William and Ryan are the neighbours of the Brian Family with who they share a rivalry.
