Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Wendy Wong, is property of Cod1.

Wendy Wong
Biographical information
Real name Wendy Jay Wong
Also known as Wendy Wolf, Wends
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American (nationality of birth country)

800px-Flag of Germany svg German 800px-Flag of China svg Chinese

Born 13th of October, 1997/3 BH
Died N/A
Age 27
Status Alive
Birthplace San Francisco, California, United States of America
Deathplace N/A
Cause of death/incarceration N/A
Physical description
Eye colour Hazel
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Eurasian-Caucasian
Height 5'1" (156 cm)
Weight 127 lbs (58.48 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Female Logo Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) George Brandon, Ethan Allen Fernandez, Carl Degrasse Dawkins, Justin Paul Florio
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) School student (former), today unknown
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) TBA
Voiced by (English) TBA

Wendy Wong is an original character created by Cod1. She is a supporting characters in Weapon Wielders. Unlike most characters in Weapon Weilders, she is originally from the west coast, San Francisco, California to be exact. Her mother is a white American of German descent, and her father is Chinese.

She is friends with Ethan Allen Fernandez, Justin Paul Florio, Carl Degrasse Dawkins, and Candace Claire Baker.


Wendy is a short girl just 5'0" (153 cm) in height during her school days in the game. She has straight black hair, and pale skin. Her eyes are slanted like most east Asians, but her eye colour is hazel or rather green. She has an average build, and weighs 107 lbs (54.43 kg). She has small breasts, but they get a bit bigger once she reaches the age of 22.

Her clothes will usually be either black or white which are her favourite colours. She likes to wear skirts.

Personality and traits[]

She is kind of shy, and quiet, but she is sweet, and polite. She likes playing video games, cosplaying, history, and practising witchcraft. Wendy actually has the ability to fight with her spells, which could make her one of the most powerful non-weapon wielding characters and would easily put her into the same category as the fighters in the Tekken or MK tournaments. She can also play the violin, but she usually doesn't play it unless she has too, though. Her parents thought it would be great if she learned to play an instrument.

She identifies as bisexual, but hasn't been seen showing any romantic feelings towards any female characters. She could possibly have feelings for Ethan since she loves to talk to him, and will be sad if it feels like he is ignoring her, but perhaps she just wants to be good friends.


  • Wendy is one of the characters in the story that is based off people the creator has met in real life.
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