Made up Characters Wiki

NOTE that this page was made just for fun, not to poke fun or insults at any Christian believer.

This article, War on Christmas, is property of Freddie Nobile.


None known of



War on Christmas
War on xmas


Religious wars


25th of December-30 December, 2020


All around the countries that celebrate Christmas, mostly countries with large Christian population (safe for Scandinavia)


Hell's Army won


Hell's Army

A bunch of Christmas lovers and celebrators


Lord Shinnok

Grandpa Cold


Over millions of hellspawn demons and atheists

Over millions of Christmas lovers of all types of christianity


A bunch of demons, around million

At least 70 million christians, so to speak

"Thousands among thousand of years of wrath and pain ya'll endure! The birth! A kingdom of light and fire will reign! Serve me and then don't suffer for eternity."
— Shinnok

War on Christmas (or Xmas) was a war that lasted from 25 December to today 30 December, between Never Never Land's Hell's Army and millions of religious people around the world from all theologies concerning the holly buy-bull.


When Santa Claus himself was assassinated by getting his workshop blown up, along with his wife and all of his elves, Shinnok saw this as a perfect opportunity to finally wage a war on the wretched holiday known as Christmas that he and all of Hell despise. Santa was already taken care of, weakening Shinnok's opponents, thus the war started, but an old, jolly janitor known only as Grandpa Cold would dress up as Santa and be his "replacement", so to speak.

This old man had a group of jolly followers under him, but all would lose and meet their demise at Shinnok and his minions' hands, ascending down to the bowels of the Never Land, awaiting torture. The old fuaker would meet his death later as well, with Clurkicus tearing his buttcheeks apart until he got butt cancer and died instantly. Quan Chi wanted to stick up the finish blow to the old timer, but failed and fell.

The attacks began in United States and later all over the major christian countries, where Shinnek's forces would make their presence known. Only the leaders of the free countries would survive, more or less, and their cabinets.

As a final sign of their victory, Hell's militia would burn down the major xmas tree in Washingten and then gather a bunch of trees in a middle of a town and burn them all, creating a true, atheistic and nihilistic christmas and cress. Just a day before New Year started, Christmas was finally destroyed... forever and always.


Azazel, the so-called master of all of reality, could care less for xmas and what was happening on Earth as long as Shinnok doesn't take it over. Shinnek and his army so far hadn't taken it over, but they're probably concerned of Queen Almeida's disappearance ever since Tingle showed his squeaky face on Boolos.

Lady Cetrion is fine with Christmas being dumped into the fiery pits of Hades.

Humans that sided with Hell[]

