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This article, War of Secret Societies, is property of Demon Redwood.




War to rule the Earth


Project's Extinction

War of Secret Societies
Interesting times


Secret Wars


4 April, 2055 (2022 Gregorian calendar) - 11 May, 2055


All over the place, Vatican City, Italy, some parts of Never Never Land, Outworld and Orinion


The Beastmen consume the Project


Dixmor Project logo Dixmor Project, Dixmor Scientists, Project Militia, Spys, Sausage's Army, Cuneo Family

Order of Beast logo Order of the Beast, Weishaupt Order, The Lootcreeps, Brotherhood of Shadow, Camheads, DeVazzi Family, Stracci Family, Charm City Commission


Murkoff Dixmor, Luccardo Dixmor, Jacques Dixmor

William Calvin Morgan, Gerald Techt, Ichabod Crane


Millions and millions

Millions and millions




Civilian casualties



The War of Secret Societies is a current war going on between the Dixmor Project and their allies and Order of the Beast and their colleagues.


The war started when the Order of the Beast broke off of the Project's alliance and their leader, Gerald Techt wanted the Earth for himself and his Dark Master HIS way. He also started to prefer the ruler of Orinion, Lord Azazel, over the Never Never Land's Shinnok, whom he referred to as a "foolish old fart" and a "momma's boy", for always needing Queen Almeida at his side to bail his as out from danger.

This, of course, angered the Dixmor Dynasty, but the Project's director William Calvin Morgan ordered them to wait, assuring them that he'll deal with Techt personally. In reality, Morgan was of the same opinion as Gerald and stole or embezzled a lot of funds from the Project's secret banks and vaults to aid the Beastmen, until James Dixmor found out about Morgan's treachery and the Project wanted him dead. Morgan was able to escape death thanks to a timely alliance with Ichabod Crane, a servant of Azazel and he escaped to Orinion while Gerald ordered the Lootscreeps and Brothers of Shadow to attack the Dixmor Project directly, issuing a war to breakout between these secret, demonic sects.

The Beastmen had the upper hand they were quickly able to take control of the Cobblepot Industries and acres the Project had on Outworld. The locations and properties that Morgan had under his ownership, like The Crooked Man's Church, were now under the Beastmen's control as well, and the Dixmor Scientists were also killed off by surprise after coming from work from the Dixmor Asylum by the Camheads, meaning the Asylum will belong to Techt and his cronies in due time.

The Dixmors then begun making actions stronger in order to be quicker while trying to avoid haste from the Beastmen. However, alas the Dixmors lost. Although they manage to regain some of their territories, the Beasts were always one step ahead thanks to their alliance with the Brotherhood of Shadow who told them which moves to make like some chess masters. The Fisto Suger factory, Fetish Dungeon and all other locations subsequently belonged to the Beast's Order after Techt's men killed all of the front employees who sticked to the Project. Will there ever be peace between these two monstrous cliques? We shall see. Btw, Beastmen support Zelensky in his defensive war against Russia while the Project is viceversa.

On 20 of this month (April), the Stracci Family was able to take over all of the Dixmor-owned fronts in California and north in Montana, and the Project, fearing for their greedy lives, proposed a peace submit to the Beastmen. Beastmen are continuing the War, but had putten some consideration to it, but under one condition of course, Dixmors must surrender immediately and give over all of their territories to Lord Azazel. At least that was the goal back then, today on 8 of May things are different.

On 11 May 2055, the big leaders themselves met, with Gerald Techt and William C. Morgan representing the Beastmen while Jacques Dixmor and Luccardo Dixmor represented the Project and that meeting was probably the most dangerous meeting for yumanity in the history of meetings! The two societies turned their back on human populace and as requested Queen Almeida, the Dixmor Project and their false idol Shinnok stepped into a very crucial and important alliance with the Order and their true Lord, Azazel, if not even King Chernobog. The meeting occurred after a series of attacks made by both organisations, even though Beastmen seemed to be winning.


So, one could ask what was the entire point of the war? Hehehe, well my friends, the destruction of Earth was the only point of the war, really. Flat Earth, round Earth, you name it. Well, that and Gerald overstepped his mark.

So we see that even when the secret sects are bickering amongst each other, it is still in their interest. Goddamn, there ain't no stoppin' these dictators, is there?
