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This article, War against Racism, is property of Semyon Timur Alekseyevich Krokov.


Alien Defend


Aryans VS Aliens


Megalomaniacal War (or not)

War on Racism
Alien VS Aryan



A couple of months ago - until recently


WWWE Studios


Aliens win, racism gets destroyed


The Galactic Empire (died), every alien was on his own

The 4th Reich


The Flatwoods Monster







Their ex-leader got pissed and left out to dry, Moonman and Luke Gallows get defeated

"Johnny Bravo is a pretty good wrestler, was ever since he stepped into this company, but you won't hear him getting much compliments south of the border from the 4th Reich. Indeed, Moonman's clan is at war with aliens from outer space and their greatest ally, Johnny Bravo, is not backing down an inch!"
— Tiffany McIntyre on the war

War against Racism was a war against all odds between the Flatwoods Monster and her men versus Moonman's 4th Reich. The war ended with the scores at 11-10 and rumours also had it that the Braxie and Moonman would settle their differences via a peace conference, since Moonie is more interested in going after human minorities, he's quite the racist; A bigot with a checklist. Nevertheless, no such conference occurred and the Aliens won the battle.


Johnny Bravo used to be an ally of the 4th Reich and was one of Moonman's bodyguards plus top men, while he was also a poster boy for Moonman's "Perfect Aryan" model. However, Johnny was also an old friend of Skeletor, who was a Chaosworlder and Bravo had to choose between serving as one of Moonman's goons forever or shaping his own destiny without hatred for other species. Johnny choose the latter, thus betrayed the Klan and started hanging out with Skeletor and later, the Flatwoods Mondster, who was an alien on top of Moonman's hitlist.

Bravo and the Monster later formed their own team and they have proven to be almost unstoppable, being able to hold more than their own against the Moon and his minions, like Gwonam and Stone Cold, yet had some difficulty with Franz Winkelmeier due to his size, being 7'3", although the Monster is almost as tall as him.

In the past the 4th Reich had managed to get only 1 victory over them before it would be even, although due to the oncoming losses for the Reich, they usually bickered amongst themselves and it is a question of time when the Reich will split up and fall apart. The question was answered today, on 23 of April, as the 4th Reich fell apart completely. The original leader of these racist mofos, General Olaf Tutchenko, was thrown out of the stable when he kept losing to the Monster and Moonman directed his hatred against "race traitors" and black ppl instead.

The Reich used to be allied to Count Orlok's Brotherhood of Shadow (today the Nocturnal) but that alliance broke when Orlok got tired of their constant failure and racist ideology.

Bravo and the Monster get assisted against Moonman and his cronies by Skeletor and Dakota, although the Ace of Spade has some issues with Skeletor as well, as they used to be tag team partners, but Monster's evil nature over Skeletor's neutral chaos-like one led her to betray him. Nevertheless, old skeleton is still buddies with Brabo.

Dakota has recently betrayed the Monster and Bravo and has even gotten as far as to help the Reich out in a match. He's a sneaky littel Indian, it seems.

As of late, Franz Winkelmeier was thrown out of the Reich (and later WWE as well) due to his constant loses and decided to join the Monster's Galactic Umpire instead, arousing some ire from the Rajh. Nevertheless, even there Frankie was quite the jobber but the Monster and Vector Robotnik managed to get their hands on some tag team gold.

Rumours have it that Moonman and his bodyguards, Mike Knoxville and Gallows will be making a small peace submit with the Empire tomorrow or so to settle their differences once and for all, but none of that happened: instead Mike Knox left the group and the group lasted on with only Moonman and Gallows for a little while before it would fall apart as well, making Braxie the winner.


1 VS 1 Tables Match: The Flatwoods Monstrosity VS Franz Winkelmeier - 'Meier wins

2 VS 2 Tornado Match: Bravo and The Flatwoods Monster VS Gwonam and Stephan Black - Bravo and the Monster win with small help from Dakota

2 VS 3 Handicap Match: Bravo & The Flatwoods Monster VS Franz Winkelmeier, Gwonam and Stephan Black - Bravo and Monster win via knocking out Gwonam

2 VS 2 Tornado Hell in a Cell Match: Bravo & The Flatwoods Mondster VS Winkelmeier and Stephan Black - Winkelmeier and Black win after Franz KO's Bravo

2 VS 2 Extreme Rules Match: Bravo & The Monster VS Moonman and Stone Cold Steve's Autism - Bravo and the Monster win

Unknown match where the Reich won

2 VS 2 Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Titles: Bravo and Monster win

2 VS 2 Tag Team Match: Bravo and the Monster def. Stephan Black and Stone Cold

1 VS 1 Normal Match: Franz Winkelmeier def. the Flatwoods Monster

1 VS 1 Normal Match: Winkelmeier VS The Flatwoods Monster again: Franz won

3 VS 3 Tag Match: 4th Reich VS Bravo, Flatwoods Monster & Terry Funk: Funik wins

1 VS 1 Normal Match: Winkelmeier (with Gwonam) VS Flatwoods Monster: Frankie wins

3 VS 3 Tag Match: Hopkinsville Goblin, Skeletor & Flatwoods Monster VS 4th Reich: The aliens win

1 VS 1 Normal Match: Skeletor VS Moonman: Skeletor wins

1 VS 1 TLC Match: Franz Winkelmeier VS Flatwoods Monster: Franz wins

1 VS 1 Normal Match: Franzie Winkelmeier VS Flatwoods Monster: The Monster wins via KO, even though Franz got some help from Stephan Black

4 Fatal-4-Way Match in a Cage: Stone Cold KO's the Flatwoods Monster

1 VS 1 Extreme Rules Match: Dolf Ziggler makes the Mondster tap out
