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This article, Wade Martin, is property of Billy cougar.

Wade Martin
Biographical information
Real name Wade Martin
Also known as
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American
Born 1991
Age 15
Status Alive
Birthplace Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Gray
Hair colour Auburn
Ethnicity American
Height 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight 135 lbs (61 kg)
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Bullies, Russell Northrop, Davis White Trent Northwick Ethan Robinson
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) School Student
Notable family members Christy Martin (older daughter), Joe Martin (father)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Matt Monroe

Wade Martin is a character in the "Bully", and is a member of the Bullies gang.

Role in Game[]

When Jimmy Hopkins first arrives at Bullworth Academy, he is confronted by three Bullies on his way to the Boys' Dorm. Wade is the one who challenges him to a fight, giving him the distinction of being the first student who Jimmy has to fight. He is also the first student that Jimmy stuffs in a trashcan, however he doesn't have to do this and can just beat Wade up normally. He appears in the missions through the rest of Chapter 1, but doesn't have any further speaking lines. Later in the game, he steals Karen's teddy bear from her, causing Jimmy to beat him up and take the bear back. During this errand, he is hostile to Jimmy despite the fact that Jimmy has 100% faction with the Bullies.


Wade's primary characteristic is that he's pent up with rage. In particular, he hates his home life in general and his father in particular, and he hates his lack of intelligence. His parents had a messy divorce some time in the past, and he appears to hold a severe grudge against his father for it. When he's losing his temper, sometimes remarks about his father slip out, and he has to cover it up by claiming he said something else, a notable example is the quote at the top of the page. As stated earlier, Wade resents his lack of intelligence. This is where his antagonism towards the Nerds comes from - he believes that they should be beaten up for being so smart, especially compared to him. The Nerds in turn have started a petition to get him expelled, although it doesn't have any success. Wade still complains bitterly that he gets punished at all for picking on them. Wade may be related to Christy Martin, who shares his surname and bright red hair color. He may also be related to Mr. Martin, as many of Wade's complaints about his father and Mr. Martin's complaints about his miserable family life match up, and they also share a surname. Although Wade can occasionally be seen making out with Christy, this shouldn't be taken as evidence they're not related. Causing them to never make out would require specific programming and the developers simply didn't bother.
