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Made up Characters Wiki

Violent Vincent is a cute lil' alien from Sota from Xploshi's videos "Violent Vincent" and is alien who is sick of Earth taking up space in the sky - he would prefer it if there was a hole in the sky. He is planning to destroy it, but Queen Almeida won't let that happen. It is implied that his threats are empty and full of fresh air.

Haha alien

Violent ist cute.


Violent Vincent is a small green alien with one eye, like Mike Wazowski. He wears a purple cap and a purple shirt with a skull on it. He has two small antennas protruding from his head, like some sorta Rodian. Perhaps he has Rodian roots? In the second video he dons a Santa Claus outfit. He commonly carries a handgun and a silver Magnum.


Vincent claus

Violent Vincent, is as the name implies, violent as he often fantasises about different ways of killing the viewer and blowing up the Earth. Despite this, he does not show many signs of wrath and is even horrified by the viewer's (presumed) actions in the second video. implying his violent side is just a persona or sumfin and he's actually quite a nice guy 's long Earth isn't involved.


It is implied that Vincent lived on Sota. One day, he got tired of Earth taking up so much space in the sky and decided to destroy it! He preferred a hole in the sky. At the end of the first video, he is seen calling his spaceships to go to Earth. In the second video, he is shown inside a home (presumably the viewer's), where a Gummy Bear opens a present set by Violent Vincent only for it to be revelead as an explosive, which kills the the Gummy Bear. Vincent then leaves the Earth as he saw he can't do jack crap to destroy it.
