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This article, Victor Cornet, is property of Billy cougar.

Victor Cornet
Viktor Cornet
Biographical information
Real name Victor Hansel Tomer Cornet
Also known as Godfather, Vic, Viktor, Vik
Nationality Izreal fag Israeli
Born October 8, 1970
Age 50
Status Alive
Birthplace Beersheba, Negev desert, southern Israel, Middle East
Cause of death/incarceration None
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Grey
Ethnicity Jewish-Ashkenazi
Height 5'9" (175cm)
Weight 150 lbs (69 kg)
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Cornet Dynasty, Dixmor Project, Mr. Krabs, Maxwell Morris Shepherd
Enemies Gregory McCain
Occupation(s) Investor, businessman, company owner
Notable family members Lili Cornet (goddaughter), Eliza Cornet (cousin-in-law), Carl Cornet (cousin), Jacob Cornet (great granduncle/father), Elizabeth Cornet (great grandaunt/mother), Isabella Cornet (great great grandmother), Don J. Cornet (great great grandfather), Lady Lilian Cornet (ancestor), Alexandra Cornet (cousin), Cornelius Cornet (father), Bianca Cornet (mother), Belinda Cornet (great grandmother), Cassandra Cornet (sister), Gretel Cornet (sister/wife), Bryce Cornet (son), Jeffrey Cornet (older brother), Paul Cornet (cousin/brother), Spiritus Cornet (nephew), Agustine Cornet (great great grandfather), Cornet Brothers (grandfathers), Rihidian Cornet Jr. (great great great grandfather), Rihidian Cornet Sr. (great great great great grandfather/uncle), Melinda Cornet (great great grandmother), Lilian Cornet (great grandmother)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Sims series
Voiced by (English) John Stephenson

Victor Hansel Tomer Cornet runs the CornetMobil oil company for over 14 years now and lives in a large mansion in Wichita, Kansas, USA with his wife and sister Gretel, only sister, Cassandra and son, Bryce.


Cornet was the second child of Cornelius Cornet and Bianca Cornet. The family home was the Tring Park Mansion in England. Victor has one older brother and two sisters. Cornet was educated at Harrow School, and since the age of 17, he had an affair with his sister Gretel, something his parents did not approve.

At Trinity College, Cambridge, he learned many points and lessons of biology, French, German and English. He was a great fanatic and so, a fan of the College's founder, Henry VII. He played chess a lot during breaks and also went on chess lessons after school. At Cambridge he was also known for his Jewish nationalist lifestyle, putting pictures of Theodor Herzl on the walls of school halls along with menorahs on the tables and desks and wore a necklace with David's star.

Cornet had desire to join in the House of Dukes, a secret society, which at that time was predominantly Zionist, though he stated himself that the society "was barely even following Herzl's teachings and was more of a Lehi fan group". He became good friends with fellow Dukes; Mr. Krabs, Maxwell Dixmor, Maxwell Morris Shepherd and Umberto Dixmor.

In the late 1990's, Victor joined the rest of his family bank as a chairman in an effort to quell the feuding between factions led by Carl Cornet and their former ally, Gregory McCain. In this he was unsuccessful as Carl resigned into envying McCain and being set on the "road to evil" so to speak. Carl killed his own grandmother years later and almost succeeded in killing off McCain with the Spy Benjamin Price before police came to the scene.

Outworld War[]

Cornet was recruited to work and spy for USMC during the Outworld War in 2003, in roles including telling the team where a bomb is to be disposed, disinformation and espionage. His information given to the USMC were also vulnerable to sabotage and counter alien sabotage attempts. This information given to them helped dismantling examples of Outworld booby traps and disguised explosives.

He was a personal adviser to President Lucas Borlinghathen after the war.

Creation of CornetMobil[]

In 2007, Victor established the CornetMobil, a multinational oil and gas corporation headquartered in Houston, Texas. It is in the cahoots with the Jacques Dixmor & Company and works closely with the Fortunato's Shop of Goods.

To this day, this company is still one of the most successful ones in the world and its biggest products include: Crude oil, cruel oil, oil products, natural gas, cars, petrochemicals and hydroelectricity. Since 2017, they have also been having interests in nuclear power plants to create some bombs in order to conquer and destroy some of the planets despite the Lard's Accords until the Queen of Boolos known as Almeida destroyed the Accords in one stroke and her daughter became the ruler of the Multiverse Federation. Victor now knows he can't destroy jack crap.


  • Victor acts very suck-up and servile when around his niece, Lili Cornet, to get in her good grace and it is possible she even likes him more than her manipulative father, Carl Cornet. He also owns a casino in England called Cornet Club.