Before we continue with the page, we's are letting you's know that... UTTP IS TRASH! UTTP IS TRASH!!! THEM'S THE FAX!
The "Youtube Troll Police" are a team of edgelords who never shower themselves and use doxxing as coping and try to police YouTube and some other sites, like Reddit or Deviantart. They were once thought to be just trolls but considering how downhill YouTube has gotten in recent years, they might actually work for YouTube themselves. They aren’t even secret about their identity. In fact, they even put it in their usernames (sample: UTTP Tommy, UTTP Chris). However, some of them are a bit more incognito such as Detective Merrick and Bill Hicks. Some UTTP members will often pose as Xian or muslim preachers such as Gerald White, OneProphetofGod, and ClaytonLovesJesus. Some on the other hand, are followers of Jordan Peterson. Some members of the said group supported the KKK, either ironically or unironically, on Google +, before the site got deleted. Now they support the Klux elsewhere. Some of them go on certain videos that they deem “Satanic” and do typical UTTP shenanigans, but some of them are irreligious about their hatred of the said certain video. Sometimes, they may be more of liberal types and will try to ban every bad word they see and everything that goes against the current status quo. Most UTTP members have a profile picture of some police officer halting someone that they found on Google Images and it took them all of two minutes to search for it. However, some of them have the copper edited, like with different cloths, hats, appearance, or holding something appropriate, like the STOP sign or anti-furry banners. Some may also be communists or nazis. It may be hard to believe but they are mostly full grown adults, but some can be teenagers or kids who think they're allowed to police the internet or some crap. Maybe they're some Seidan or Max MacTavish enthusiasts. They like to call people trolls yet they are literally trolls themselves. The UTTP will often give YouTubers copyright strikes over the most trivial BS. It usually has to do with uploading mainstream music or Disney movies (or other Holly-weird productions for the record) on the site without permission of the creators. As if Bob Iger actually has the time to scroll on YT and see if someone is copying his sith. What next? They’re gonna yell at you from stealing crap from the toilet or drinking from the wrong fountain? Thankfully, Mondo Media (aka the guys who made Happy Tree Friends) and most heavy metal or punk rock musicians don’t really care if you distribute their content on YouTube and don’t threaten to burn you at the stake or have you put in jail over it. Regardless, one or two Mondo Media employees can be butthurt about it, but it's not a big of a issue for that company and some other companies as a whole. The UTTP will still sometimes go onto those videos just to bash them for the heck of it. On Reddit, Deviantart or some other social media sites, they will be groups of more than one and insult the living hell out of you for every minor inconvenience and then block you before you can reply.
TLDR version: Avoid this group like the bubonic plague, unless you desired a slow and painful death back then.