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This article, Truck Driver, is property of Billy cougar.

Truck Driver

Mafia, Gangs

Higher Rank

Wise Guy

Lower Rank



Driver trucks all around the city, supply the drug

Known Truck Drivers

Jaggy Jovino, Jones Van Damm, Diego Stracci, Scarecrow, Deadly Ed Barzini, Samuele McFanotti, Claudio Brusco, Rocco Luciano, Ettore Sporco


Truck Driver is a shoe attempting to gain status in the family, like worker.

Truck Driver's usual job is to just sit their lazy s in a truck all day and drive drugs or other chocolate goods around the city.

It is not an official position in a Mafia yet, but they get much more respect than a Worker, and Workers even must admire the truck drivers a lot. Stealing up enough trucks and maybe even killing or running over a gangster on the way, is the only way truck drivers will work their way up to a Wise Guy status and be given a chance to make their bones.

Workers are also the slaves to them, as a matter of fact: Workers are everyone's slaves.

