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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Troy Miller, is property of Billy cougar.

Troy Miller
Biographical information
Real name Troy Marcos Miller
Also known as Troyi, Boy, Milla'
Nationality German-American German-American
Born 1990/10 BH
Age 34
Status Alive
Birthplace Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Orange
Ethnicity Germanic-Caucasian
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 178 lbs (81 kg)
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Bullies, Russell Northrop (bf, kind of)
Enemies Jimmy Hopkins, the Nerds, Melvin O'Connor
Occupation(s) School student (former), today unknown
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Evan Weinstein (nothing to do with the rapist)

Troy Miller is a minor character in Bully, and is a member of the Bullies gang.

Role in Game[]

Troy is first seen in "Welcome to Dixmor's", where he chases Pedro De La Hoya across campus because Pedro stole his Russell Northrop love letters. In "Defend Bucky Pasteur", Troy is beaten off twice by Jimmy, making Russell angry.

He is ever present during the "Character Sheets" mission, as if he's a freaking clone or some sith (admire me, admire my home, admire Troy Milla', HE'S MY CLONE!). He is one of the Bullies who steals Melvin O'Connor's MK character sheets from him for the Chess Combat or some sith. He teases Pasteur with them by shoving models of the characters (particularly Sub-Zero up his bumhole). He also says to Melvin, before Jimmy Hopkins comes, "There's no such thing as magic, dweeb", making him a sceptic, despite his low intellect. He is also with Trent Northwick at the side of the library, outside the school when Jimmy finds them for the sheets, and Trent gets Jimmy to play with Troy at ro-sham-bo, which means kick the other guy in the balls and then Trent gets to jack them off. When Jimmy gets up after being kicked in the ballsak repeatedly, they both run away after cumming, abandoning the character sheets and allowing Jimbo to take them back to O'Connor.

After chapter 1 Troy plays no further role in the story and neither do the other Bullies.


According to recent observations by Mama Scorpion during her travels to Bullworth, he is in a home for the mentally unwell today, basically the Happy Volts Asylum. The staff there claims that he's not that much of a threat to be transferred somewhere else, so Troy is in no worry to be send to the Dixmor Asylum.

Personality and traits[]

Troy comes across as genuinely stupid, possibly mentally behind a bit and seems to be easily confused, even at gender orientation. He is one of the most sadistic students on campus, though and bullies because he finds it "incredibly amusing". One of his favourite insulting or derogatory remarks is "wimp". He is also not above using racial or homophobic slurs, but probably not out of malice, but out of ignorance or dumbness since he clearly has many of both.

Troy enjoys watching mindless violence on television and is, according to Davis White, is a big fan of Villain Video Enterprises horror and snuff movies. He wants to join the army when he is older, and claims he takes steroids. However, the army never took him and he is in a home for the mentally unwell today.

On Halloween he wears a mask that has Edna Abners's ugly face on it. His game dialogue and other rumours imply that he is sexually confused and either bisexual or homosexual and is attracted to boys, particularly to Russell, but that he's in denial about it, even though him and Russell like to jerk it off together. In two different missions he seems to be seen following Trent Northwick's orders, which comes to no surprise since Trent is quite the high-ranking goon in the gang.

He sometimes like to take his sexual frustrations out on Tom Gurney, the gang's shoe.
