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Made up Characters Wiki
Trent Northwick
Trent Northwick
Biographical information
Real name Trent Trey Northwick
Also known as Trent, Trey, Thrent, the blond Bully, actor, astor
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American
Born October 11, 1990
Age 16 (as of the events of Bully, Fall 2006 to Summer 2007) now 32
Status Alive
Birthplace New York City, Broadway, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blond
Ethnicity Aryan-Caucasian
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 160lbs (72.5 kg)
Blood type B+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Bullies, Russell Northrop, Davis White
Enemies The Nerds, Jimmy Hopkins
Occupation(s) School student, today unknown
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Jaime McAdams

Trent Trey Northwick is a minor character in Bully, and is a member of the Bullies gang and a wannabe movie star, like the MNM.

Role İn Game[]

Trent appears a few times during chapter 1. He, along with Davis White and Ethan Robinson, accosts Jimmy the minute he steps inside the Dixmor Academy's B campus, near the boys' dorm. In "Save Algie", he and Troy Miller are seen loitering in the first floor boys' bathroom like two homos and will remind Algernon Papadopoulos that he isn't allowed to use this bathroom due to him pissing near the toilet bowel, not directly in it and that Goro Luntz is tired of cleaning after him. Perhaps him and Troy are good guys after all? Troy later admitted that Trent was giving them directions and orders ("Trent just said they went into the bathroom!") when the Bullies attack Algie at the second floor boys' bathroom, implying Trent holds a high position in the gang or just uses Troy like a puppet. In "MK Character Sheets", he and Troy had stolen Melvin O'Connor (distant relative to John O'Connor from Terminator)'s Grottos and Gremlins character sheets, and he forced Jimmy Hopkins to kick Troy in the ballsak to get the sheets back. Jimmy succeded and while Troy's cojones were hurtin', Trent scrammed scot free.

He also has a minor role in the "Movie Tickets" mission, where he is seen on a date with Kirby Olsen and also grabs his benis. Trent was also one of the three bullies to be knocked out by Edgar Munsen in "Complete Mayhem" when Gary Smith started a riot, like some Antifa leader.

Personality and traits[]

Trent became a bully because, as he puts it, "it helps make men out of the new kids" and he even thinks of his bullying as "showing them the ropes" so they can either hang themselves or use them to bite back at him. Trent is a yoyo enthusiast and an aspiring actor, with dialogue suggesting that he is part of Dixmor's drama club as well as a summer theater camp, sucking Frederick Newbie's dik while were at it. He is also a member of the photography club and states that his favourite class is photography because he likes to take pictures of girls, espcially Deirdre Philips' as, something he allows him to do since she's a perv herself. A line of dialogue from a scrapped mission suggests that he enjoys reading manga and hentai and jacks off for 4 hours a day.

Trent is bisexual, he talks about girls, yea, but he can be kissed by Jimmy after receiving flowers or chocolate, vegan or original, with a ton of cow abuse. He is also seen on a date with Kirby in the mission "Movie Tickets" although if Jimmy gets too close to them he and Kirby will run away like two gutless cowards. Trent is unashamed of his sexuality and is open about it to Jimmy, unlike the rest of the mean kids. Hell, he is even open about it with his fellow bullies and many times asks if he can suck 'em off, especially Ethan.

It also seems he has a bit of a defiant personality, even when he is clearly defeated. When he is knocked out, he still taunts Jimmy or who,ever knocks him out, with lines such as "That's all you got? *Coughs like he just got Corona*" and "You ain't nothing... NUFFIN!". But he seems to get the worst of it.


  • On his Facebook and Twitter bio, he states that he was sent to Dixmor's by his father, who was also a student at the school once in the past.
  • If the player decides to hide from him, he will instantly call his boys (the other bullies) to help him find you, imply he indeed holds a high position in the group. "So, it seems I have indeed known you all deez years." Said Davis White.