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This article, Tito Morelli, is property of Damon Redwood.

Tito Morelli
Tito Morelli
Biographical information
Real name Thaddeusz Tito Morelli
Also known as Todd, Tito, Taddy, Todo, Josip Broz
Nationality Italian-American flag Italian-American
Born 5th of January, 1972/28 BH
Age 51
Status Alive
Birthplace Siena, Italy, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Mediterranean
Height 5'8
Weight 65kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Tattaglia crest Tattaglia Family (former), Corleone crest Corleone Family (former), Fortunato logo Fortunato Regime
Enemies Tattaglias, Corleones
Occupation(s) Undertaker, former Corleone Spy, Fortunato Citizen
Notable family members Rosa Morelli (younger sister), Lorina Morelli (younger sister)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game, The Godfather: Control of France City
Voiced by (English) Rod Gnapp
"Never! Getting involved with the Corleones is a death warrant from the Tattaglias!"
— Tito Morelli

Thaddeusz Tito Morelli was the preferred undertaker for the Tattaglia Family and Charlie Trapani until the Barzini Family extorted him.

He is a minor character in The Godfather Game.


Owner of Tito Morelli's funeral parlour in Mid Town, he was one of the cheaper undertakers in town making him the perfect choice for the Tattaglias.

Morelli was forced to sell over his business to the Corleone Family during The Five Families Mob War, before embalming his final Tattaglia, Rudolph Tattaglia who had been thrown from the window of Stromboli Circus Shop by Santino Corleone.

It was during the capo's funeral that Bruno Tattaglia was thrown into Morelli's cremation oven.

Shortly after the Corleone mob was killed off by DeVazzi Family, he was bought out to sell his business over to the Fortunato Regime, for whom he still works today, probably.

