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This article, Thomas Jefferson VS Dr. Mike Spears - Rap Battle 9, is property of Billy cougar.

Thomas Jefferson VS Dr. Mike Spears
Thomas JeffersonVsMik Spears
Biographical information
Nationality British-American flag British-American (Jefferson), Holland flag Dutch (Spears)
Born April 13, 1743 (Jefferson), July 24, 1928 (Spears)
Age 83 (Jefferson), 61 (Spears)
Status Deceased (Both)
Physical description
Eye colour Brown (Both)
Hair colour Brown, black, white (Jefferson), brown, grey (Spears)
Height 5'9 (Jefferson), 5'8 (Spears)
Weight 73kg (Jefferson), 69kg (Spears)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Politics, bankers (Jefferson), Marine Forces Laboratory (Spears)
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Assassin's Creed Series (Jefferson), World of War: Revenge (Spears)

Thomas Jefferson VS Dr. Mike Spears is the ninth installment of EERB and the ninth episode of Season 1. It features 3rd president of USA, Thomas Jefferson, to rap against Dutch Marine's main doctor, Michael Spears who calls upon his own son, Jacob Spears, to rap for him. It was released on August 17th, 2011.


Jefferson (1st Verse):[]

Come bite my thumb, I hope you know the stakes.

I'll put a slug between yo' shoulder blades.

Then ask what light through yonder poser breaks?

I hath been iambic on that ass, ye' bastad'. My rhymes are classic.

Your crap is drafted by a kindergartner high on acid.

You hoebag, you're an old white Soulja Boy who has no swag,

And no di*k. Egads, it's so sad.

We can to top it off, you're not an author.

I've never seen a softer doctor.

You crook, you. I bet you wrote the Wolfy Texas Werewolf books, too!

Spears (1st Verse):[]

(Mike whistles for his son, Jacob, to come in and rap for him)

I would not, could on a boat.

Read any of the boring a*s plays you wrote.

Even Horton doesn't wanna hear you.

And Cindy Lou is afraid to go near you!

You bore people to death.

You leave a classroom looking like the end of MacBeth.

I can kill a guy of any age.

You gotta translate what you said on the opposite page!

How you gonna battle versus the Spears?

People get scared when I step on the math.

You think your British-neck-a*s gonna rap to that?

I got a best sellin' game 'bout Phillips might be comin' back!

(Jacob then leaves and Mike smilies as Thomas holds up a skull.)

Jefferson (2nd Verse):[]

I'm switchin' up my style like a Peatles with my peaches.

Each is such a wonder with a plethora of features.

You're pathetically predictable.

You think your new game might include a trisyllabic meter

And some ghetto Puppet creatures.

It's a Bard is in the building.

It's a castle, I'm a boss.

I bet I'm King.

I'm positive I'm killin' it.

I'm iller than the plague.

I've never caught a cholera,

A balla balla.

On some cricket bowler business,

While you're sitting in the bleachers!

(Mike and Jacob stare at each other, mouths open amazed by Thomas's fast rapping.)

Spears (2nd Verse):[]

You rap fast.

