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This article, The New Life, is property of Billy cougar.

The New Life is part 3 of Red Dead Redemption. John's target is Dutch van der Linde, his former gang leader.

Here it is:

Story of The New Life[]

After coming from Mexico after he killed William Williamson and Javier Escuella, John Marston has arrived in Gold Town to meet up with Edgar Rose and Archer Forman at the Gold Town Police Department headquarters. Marston believes he has finished his job for the bureau, but finds out that they want him to take out Dutch van der Linde for them as well, his presumed last target and former gang leader. The FBI will continue to "take care" of Marston's wife and son until he does so, even if it includes beating them.

The agents have a possible location for Dutch. They believe he's held up with some Native Americans at the Beach of Serendipity. During the cutscene, Marston obtains a High Power Pistol from Rose himself.

After the shootout with Dutch's men at the Serendipity is completed, Johnny Marston rescues the informant Nastas, along with Archer, and the gang heads back to Gold Town. Johnny then visits Harold McDougal when Nasta enters and says he knows where Dutch van der Linde and his gang are located, that young men from the reservation and his former tribesmen are joining him and performing mischief and murder, and that he and his gang are holed up in the hills in Fallen Creek. The three head out after the gang. During the climb to the Fallen Creek, John is spying on Douche with some binoculars he obtained after killing an Indian scout, but Dutch sees him from atop of the mountain and shoots at him, knocking John out. A wounded Nastas hears this and goes to rescue John.

A few hours later, word had it that Dutch was coming to Gold Town to meet with Baxter Deoton. John heads to the bank, joining Edgar Rose and his posse, who will trap the Dutch and his Native boys. The posse ends up on a roof across the courtyard from the bank and must snipe Indian Gang before they get away.

Once inside the bank, a small stand-off between Marston and Dutch ends with the death of a female bank worker and Dutch's escape. The posse rides a short distance tailing Dutch, killing more of his gang along the way. Despite finding Dutch's automobile burning on the side of the road, he still manages to escape. Rose, of course, blames Marston.

The next day, Nastas has set up a meeting with some of Dutch's men, for what McDougal claims will be "a meeting of the minds: Indians and whites, academics and criminals coming together to find a common understanding!" Marston will accompany the professor and Nastas to the Tanner's Reach, what turns out to be a setup. Sadly, Nastas is killed in the ambush while Harold survives, and John must fight through the gang members to escort McDougal safely back to Gold Town, before the Indian savages are able to kill him.

When John meets with professor Harold McDougal that night at the Gold Town Hotel, he finds out that a nervous McDougal is packing his bags (including the Holy Buy-bull (crap)) for his return to Yale. McDougal has had one too many brushes with death for his liking and decides he is not cut out to study "the savages" in West Virginia. Their conversation is interrupted when Dutch shoots out one of the windows and calls out to John. It's now John's task to make sure that professor gets out of town in one piece, as they get shot at by Native Americans that have the town surrounded while all of the GTPD is asleep. John then escorts McDougal to Crystal Camp after saving him from a hostage situation, where the professor catches his train back to Yale.

The next day, John Marston is denied seeing his family once again by Agent Rose. He explains that they need to "take care of Dutch van der Linde to rest themselves", and Marston has to help, before he can see his wife and child. With the help of the American Army, they attack his gang and move on to Dutch's hideout to finally kill the Hollander.

After their armoured car is blown up, John Marston has to reach Dutch's fort in Fallen Creek by horseback, following Rose and the American army. After the long ride up into the mountains, Marston and his allies prepare for an attack on Dutch and his gang members at last, and succeed in killing him off and most of his men, after a long conversation on morals and the police work between John and Dutch (more specifically, Dutch himself committed suicide).

After Dutch is finally taken care of, John returns to his ranch, where he is reunited with his wife and son. Despite the fact that Grandpa Marston was supposed to maintain the ranch whilst Abi and Jack were away, all the livestock are missing, either eaten by wildlife or stolen by rustlers. So John decides to take Jack with him to MacFarlane's Ranch the next day to get some more cattle. This is the first time that Jacky met with Boonie MacFarlane.

Later, Abigail Marston asks John to stop the crows from eating all the corn from the ranch silo by scaring them away with his guns and gums. John then planted a wooden scarecrow on top of the silo to scare the fuakers away.

Soon after, John meets Jack Marston reading an adventure book under a tree. After a brief (and eventually ironic summary of Jack's book, which was actually a reference to Red Harlow's life) summary, John convinces Jack to take him out and teach him how to track, kill, and skin wild animals. In this case, elk. They then sold the elk's skin, horns and nose at the Crystal Camp's general store.

Later, the Marstons receive a telegram from Boonie MacFarlane. Abigail is suspicious of Jhon cheating on her and gets John to read it aloud as she can't read. The telegram says that Boonie actually needs corn urgently because all the harvest has been eaten by pests and the rest was stolen by British's Gang. Abigail points out that corn sacks are the only thing that haven't been stolen while they have been away thanks to Grandpa's negligence. Abigail accompanies Marston on the ride to MacFarlane's ranch using the ride to interrogate Marston about Boonie. She appears to be very jealous and John points this out. Upon arriving, Abigail and Boonie are introduced and develop an amiable first acquaintance while Marston and Trent Oxley unload the corn into the store. When Marston and Abigail leave, Boonie stands in the road looking after them. It seems she may have had feelings for Marston after all. Abigail is cheered immensely and she happily discusses things with Marston on the ride home, including how Boonie's father fought the Indians, Boonie's battles with the British gang and so much more.

An hour later, the stories Jack has heard and read about hunting grizzly bears inspired him to hunt one for himself. After being informed by Grandpa about his son, John follows their dog, Rufus, to save Jack at the Nekoti Mountain. After Jack is saved by John and brought back home, John beats him senselessly to learn him some manners and to not go out, hunting on his own. He then even spits in his soup at dinner time.

The next day, it is revealed the lazy and asleep Grandpa has neglected to herd the cattle out to the pasture, and John is forced to do it with him. After herding the cattle up, the two lead the cows out to a pasture, expecting a peaceful time. But as the two are riding, they spot a train in the distance going down its tracks, heading for Gold Town. Suddenly, explosives go off around the tracks, the train stops and Roe's Criminals pop out, attempting to rob the train. Spooked by the explosives, the cattle begin to stampede. At this point, Marston must choose whether to intervene in the robbery or to stay with the herd. Marston chooses the latter, while the train and it's passengers get massacred, delightfully.

The two succeed in bringing the cattle to the pasture and then head back home for a drink, while John is still mad at Jack for going off on his own the other day.

The next day, Grandpa has spotted some high-quality horses and delayed telling John about it. John brings Grandpa with him to round some of the horses up for the farm and the slaughter.

A few days later, the third and final confrontation with Shinnok takes place outside Beecher's Hope (Marstons' farm). Jhon and the Antichrist's father speak about more personal issues, such as Shinnok not knowing his own name, collecting accounts of a sort, and being damned by many people. A bamboozled John loses his temper after asking the Dark Lord for his name again and fires his revolver on him, but the man is not affected by the bullets and walks away only to disappear a couple of minutes later. John cannot believe his eyes and scuffs the entire thing off as being side effects of weed.

The next day, John Marston walks into the farm's workhouse to find his son working. He and Jack begin to speak optimistically of their future as ranchers and as a family, as well as that an airplane demonstration will come to the county next year and that Charles Kainer died. All seems well in Beecher's Hope until Grandpa yells for John outside. John checks Grandad's binocular and knows what's coming, so he immediately tells Jack to run into the house and lock all the doors and windows, and not to come out no matter what, before punching him to get his compliance.

After John and Grandpa defeat the first wave of American soldiers attacking from the west, John runs into the house to check on his wife and son. He again tells Jack to stay in the house. This time Jack doesn't listen. Jack grabs a rifle and follows his father outside. The three men fight the onslaught, soldier by soldier. Grandpa is gunned down and killed, but John and Jack continue the fight.

Another wave is held off, then John gets Abigail and tells her and Jack to get to the barn. He will hold off the next imminent wave of soldiers. This time they will come from the forests to the south. Jhon may choose to hold them off from the ground or on top of the silo.

The Marstons hold off yet another wave of soldiers attacking their land. John runs into the barn, where he knows Jack and Abigail will be waiting, as they were instructed. They are panicking, confused and think they should all run away. John knows that's not possible. He knows he can't escape his past, as a mass murdering yellow-belly, working for the Dutch. John puts his wife and son on a horse and tells them they need to ride and not stop, no matter hwhat. It's the only way they will have a chance. Reluctantly, Abigail kisses her husband goodbye and John farts in Jack's face for the last time. Jack and Abigail ride out the back of the barn on the horse after John spanks him, sensually, leaving John to face the fate from which he has tried so hard to escape in the barn.

John turns, peering between the barn doors at the last faces he will ever see: the American Army and the FBI, lead by Edgar Rose. He stops, drops his head, and takes a long, deep breath. Then he looks up and pushes the doors wide open, revealing more than twenty soldiers and marshals all armed and aiming in his direction. In cinematic fashion, John takes a three men down, but ultimately it just isn't enough. He is mowed down by bullet after bullet, as his clothes become drenched with his blood. He falls onto his knees, spitting out blood, staring at the remaining army members and FBI men. John falls backwards onto his back then, takes his last breath, and, staring up into the sky, dies. He has sacrificed himself for his family, knowing that after his death the government won't need to chase them and they'll be able to finally live peacefully. He has finally achieved his redemption in his own eyes, but not in anyone elses.

Amidst the group of men is Agent Edgar Rose, smoking a cigar as he coldly looks over Marston's body, a vague look of disquiet and disgust on his face as he shakes his head. With a final shake of his head, he signals the accompanying army and FBI men and they slowly walk away in silence, as Eddy throws the cigar butt away.

Abigail hears the shots coming from the ranch and tells her son to go back. The player takes control of sixteen year-old Jack as he rides back to the ranch, allowing him to spur the horse continuously without being bucked off. Jack and Abigail arrive to find John's body in a pool of blood. Abigail embraces her dead husband and weeps in bitter sadness for her fallen love and the life they had.

Jack and Abigail bury John on the property on a hill, alongside Grandpa. The camera zooms in to John's grave, his epitaph reading "blessed are the peacemakers". A quick fade reveals the same shot in a downpour, rain, panning out from John's grave, revealing Abigail's right beside it. She committed suicide a year later. A man, with a striking resemblance to John and Johnny Depp, looks down at the burial site of Grandpa and his dad, thinking. The man puts Marston's hat on and turns around, revealing himself as a eighteen year-old Jack Marston.

Marston rides into Gold Town and talks to the agent there, Howard Sawick. During the cutscene, the agent points the player to the south of Lake Don Julio, the place where he assumes Edgar Rose has retired; Jacky is hunting down Eddy for the murder of his dad.

At the player's arrival, only Rose's wife is present. She explains that Edgar went with his brother on a duck-hunting trip in Nuevo Paraíso and that the FBI just won't leave Rose alone, despite everything he's done for 'em.

In Nuevo Paraíso, close to the river, the player finds Edgar's brother, Phillip Rose, at a campsite. The latter indicates Rose's location at the river, but warns Jack to not piss Eddy off, as he has quite the temper. Down the riverbank, following Philip's indications, the player encounters Edgar Rose, who, after a cutscene, challenges Jackson to a duel for bothering him.

Once defeated, Edgar stumbles backwards and falls into the river, dead.

A cutscene follows, where Jack looks down at his gun and walks away, the camera closes on his face. The screen turns red and black and the end credits follow.

After the closing credits, Rose's body was looted, revealing he had $400 with himself.

Part IV of the story is: Undead Nightmare.

