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This article, The Europe Kings, is property of Freddie Nobile.

The Europe Kings
Victor's faeJean-Marc
Victor Barzini and Jean-Marc Samperis
Leader(s) Victor
Appears in New Era events
Country New York, Washington, New Jersey, various other parts of US and Europe
Active 11 November 2020-active
Motto "We're better zhan zee best! Et harder zan zee rest."-Jean-Marc plus Vic

The Europe Kings is a team, a duo of Don Victor Barzini of the Barzini Family and Jean-Marc Samperis, a former adviser of the Magistro Family. They are both allies to Queen Almeida, even if by proxy. This page focuses on the alliance between the two mobsters, and their schemes to manipulate the old, senile, Alzheimer diseased-like Joe Biden, the president-elect of US into doing whatever the hell they wanted. According to some ancient prophecy of Nostradamus, they are the "armageddoners" which will cause the end of US through Joe's schemes.

The duo named themselves like that due to their French-Italian roots and royal backgrounds.


La Cosa Nostra... Our thing. It's all around, everywhere in the world, started firstly by the Sicilians when they had to escape to the United States of America by boat following Mussolini's dictatorship in Italy. However, there is one European country (other than Italy) which had seen the mobsters' run it around for years now, happening as early as the 1990's. France's France City and France herself had long been a host to the Five Families. The strongest used to be the Barzini Family, then the Corleone Family then it switched back to Barzinis and now DeVazzis rule it. The important fact here is that the son of Barzini Don, Emilio Victor Barzni Jr., was the only one who survived the Corleones' onslaught on the other four families during The Five Families Mob War. After his father was killed, Paul Fortunato took over the Barzini empire for years, until Victor had enuff of him and had him killed, coldly. Now he leads the entire shebang, in US as in France, but more in US from his prison cell. Jean-Marc Samperis on the other hand, seeks vengeance and is probably even more greedy than Victor, his personality definitely being the reason he betrayed the Magistro Family and felt disrespected by 'em. Time after time, both individuals gained some power in US, and now with Joe Biden in charge anything is possible. Victor was blown out of his jail cell by Marc's men and was able to escape, forming a BFF-styled alliance with Jean-Marc, who is now his own man, and now both men concern the Earth once again. Queen Almeida made sure the US is now ran by three men, two which have some brain, but all under allowance of a certain Dixmor Project, who promised Victor revenge against the Tattaglia Family should he succeed in making them rich.

It is now known that Jean-Marc has been negotiating with the DeVazzi Family in France as well, perhaps he plans on joining their clan? Time will tell. Since Victor's escape, Bruno Tattaglia has been crapping his pants, while the secrets of an ancient runestone had just been spat out by the local priest at the Holy Cross Church. With Victor and Jean-Marc discovering how bad the brains and memory of the forgettable president-elect Joe Biden really are, the future looks quite disturbing, perhaps they will convince him to start some more wars on the world, particularly in Europe, causing another Armageddin or WW III, folks will not be prepared for this at all.

With their combined strength, with their brains being merged together like some sorta evil mastermind, Victor and Jean will make their presence known, and to make matters worse or better, Frank Kenson, granddaddyo of Victor, has already been invited into their schemes, he does once some revenge against Biden for stealing his election after all. Well, it seems like that at Kenson's Dictatorship is still alive and well. However, in a false show of allegiance, The European Kinks also killed off the longtime Sir Morty Frelich. Back in US, they even managed to kill Willie Sissy. With Emilio Jr.'s assistance, Jean-Marc managed to kill Don Magistro as well.

They then came back to New Jersey and allowed Frank to have a speech about the fraud of elections in front of thousands of the Barzini and Samperis mobsters. Should they succeed with manipulations of Biden, they will be de-facto rulers of Americka. They will be unstoppable! However, they will always be de facto rulers and leaders, for our world, our entire universe is still ruled tightly by Lord Azazel.


Here is a list of those who resist the European Kings' powers and manage to run against them.

Stuff they own[]

  • Barzini Mansions
  • Samperis Fortress
  • Frank Hotel
  • A couple of Burger Kings in New York
  • A couple of Starbucks in New Jersey
  • Some strip clubs
  • Some hotels
  • Other unnamed rackets and hubs

Vehicles they own[]
