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This article, Tengu Clan, is property of Billy cougar.

Tengu Clan
Tengu clan
Leader(s) Wu Lee
Appears in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: Konquest
Country Antarctica
Active Unknown
Motto "Bring his hand to Wu Lee!"-Tengu Soldier

The Tengu Clan was a clan that appeared in Antarctica as a rival clan of the Lin Kuei Clan of ass. They wear similar clothes, but in orange instead of blue. They made their first and only appearance in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, serving as fodder for Steven.


In Konquest mode in Armageddon, the Tengu Clan attacks Steven, mistaking him for one of the two other outsiders who had earlier attacked Lee's men near the obelisk. Wu Lee, the leader of the Tengus, asserts that he thought Steven was a member of the Lin Kuei, a rival clan of which the Tengu share an uneasy truce with and avoid their territory. He continues by saying that they reside in a temple close by, and warns of their in-hospitality. The Temple turns out to be Delia's old shrine.

Known Members[]

  • Wu Lee - Leader
  • Tengu Gate Watchers
  • Tengu Guards
  • Tengu Soldiers
  • Tengu Patrollers


  • The Tengu clan members are quite slob, as they mostly put their fingers in nose, ass, and burp.

