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This article, Ted Bufias, is property of Billy cougar.

Ted Bufias
Kapitan Buffias
Biographical information
Real name Theodore Ricardo Bufias
Also known as Ted, Teddy, Cap'n, Captain Bufias, Captain, Buff, Buf, Capitan
Nationality Mexican-American flag Mexican-American
Born 3 December, 1843/157 BH
Died 22 May, 1887/113 BH
Age 43
Status Deceased
Birthplace Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, North America
Deathplace The Diablo Mine, Nuevo Paraiso, Mexico, North America
Cause of death/incarceration Shot by Red Harlow
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Latino
Height 6'0" (183cm)
Weight 176 lbs (80kg)
Blood type O-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Mexican armi flag Mexican Army, Javier Diego, Tony
Enemies Red Harlow
Occupation(s) Mexican Army captain
Notable family members ?
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Revolver
Voiced by (English) ?
"This one's for your mama!"
— Bufias when attacking with bayonet

Captain Ted Bufias is a minor villain character in Red Dead Revolver.


Captain Bufias is a member and captain of General Diego's Mexican Army who was tasked with guarding the entrance/exit to The Diablo Mine, along with fellow member, Tony.


Buf is encountered by Red Harlow as he attempts to escape from the gold mine following his incarceration there. Red fights and kills Tony and the captain, then uses his corpse to weigh up a mine cart in order to bust it through a locked exit door leading to Diego's Fort. Whilst there, Red steals himself some gold nuggets.

Journal Entry[]

I think I've never met a man as of thick a skin as Bufias. It seems his sadism is the only think that can match up his rank. I once saw him kill a man for laughing at his o'l stained boots. Bufias killed him alright and used his body as a couch for the rest of the evening. If the man had known where the stain had come from, he probably wouldn't have laughed.

