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This article, Tamara Danvers, is property of Billy cougar.

Tamara Danvers
Biographical information
Real name Tamara Laura Maria Danvers
Also known as Miss Danvers, Tam, Tammy, Laura, Danvers lady, old-fashioned lady, old-fashion woman, Miss, Roberts' gal
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 6th of January, 1964
Age 58
Status Alive
Birthplace Unknown, presumably Washington, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Light blue
Hair colour Light brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Aryan
Height 5'8" (173 cm)
Weight 120 lbs (54 kg)
Blood type B-
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Justin Roberts Sr., Dixmor Academy faculty
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) School secretary, so-called Roberts' right-hand
Notable family members ?
Goals Satisfy Dr. Roberts Sr. forever and eventually marry him (in progress), make sure the kids on the academy behave well (always)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully, Bully 2 (possibly)
Voiced by (English) Lori Funk
"Most of your classes are going to be in this building, trust me, son. Art and photography is on the top floor run by Philips. Your chemistry and biology classes are on this here floor. They used to be ran by Reginald Watts and Hugo Slawter but the biology class is now ran by Mr. Rickson. Watts will also retire next year. You're in Mr. Hill's math class now, I believe. That's on this floor, boi. There are morning and afternoon classes too. You are expected to attend both classes at both times, but you may pick whatever class appeals to you. It's another one of Dr. Roberts' innovations. He is highly respected in educational circles."
— Danvers to a newcomer to the school. In this case, she was talking to Patrick Granger

Miss Tamara Danvers is Dr. Justin Roberts Sr.'s personal secretary and right-hand after the school counsellor, Edward Seymour II.

Role in game[]

Miss Danvers features heavily in the early part of the game only. She meets Jimmy Hopkins at the gates to Dixmor Academy during "Welcome to Bullworth", and can be seen a bit later in that mission interacting with Dr. Justin Roberts Sr.. After this, she ceases to play a major role in the story, though she can be found in her office throughout the game during free-roam.

Periodically she makes announcements over the intercom. The intercom can be heard in the boys' dorm, the main school building, the library, and the gym.

During Christmas, she calls Jimmy to the office to get his Christmas present from his parents.

In chapter 5, she calls Jimmy to Roberts' office, where Jimmy learns that he is facing expulsion.


"If you're not in class at the appropriate time you can get in a lot of trouble. And believe me, you wouldn't want to be in A LOT of trouble, my child."
— Danvers
"Oh, and there is one more thing: new students aren't allowed off campus during the fall. We want everyone to get to know each other well before you go gallivanting off to town to do some 'mischief'? Idk."
— Danvers to a newcomer
"Would you get out of here, you little monster? I demand it, boi!"
— Danvers when keep being bumped into
"I have to go make some tea for Dr. Roberts."
— Danvers leaving
"He's so strong. So commanding. So brilliant. Ohh... DR. ROBERTS! Don't the students appreciate what Dr. Roberts is doing for them? Probably not. What else is to be expected from these poor excuses of a man?"
— Danvers fantasying around
"Apparently, he got nominated for an International Prize for his educational series. Who wouldn't expect it, doe? He's such a sweetie."
— Danvers talking to herself about Roberts
"Those little rats are kissing all around and doing other horrible things, and I bet they even do more sexual stuff. I just know it! Something should be done about it, I'm telling you."
— Danvers when talking with other faculty members

Personality and traits[]

Miss Danvers is fully devoted to Dr. Roberts Sr. and by extension to her secretary job. She dislikes the students at Dixmor Academy, but has a particular disliking of Jimmy Hopkins and Johnny Vincent. Her favourite of all the students is Shelton Thompson, but she also gives a special treatment to Derby Harrington and the newest Williams' Gang, partially due to their higher status. She always makes announcements over the school intercom and it particularly bothers her when students pull the fire alarm for nothing or when they bother her in the hallways.

Her devotion to Dr. Roberts seems to highly indicate they have a secret, private relationship in his office and a sexual one too. Thanks to the blackmailing of Kiley Winselton, Tamara and Roberts now try to hide their relationship as much as possible, even covering down all of the windows if need up.

It is hinted in her own dialogue that she wasn't always so prim, proper and devoted to "good behaviour" as she is now. Hell knows what made her change her ways, and I have no intention of finding out.


