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Formation of EDEN

Svanist War of Emancipation


Svanist War of Emancipation


Between 700'000 BCE and 500'000 BCE


Andromeda Galaxy


Svanist Pyrrhic Victory;

  • Abolishment of Slavery in EDEN
  • Evaluation of Svanist in the council chambers
  • Dishka removed and replaced with Svanist Dishka
  • Svanist colonies in the Andromeda Galaxy comprised

Andromeda-based Svanists

EDEN Collective


Unknown Svanist Dor

Dishka of EDEN


62'984'666 Forces

82'984'999 Forces


60 Svanist planets compromised
47'238'499 Forces killed

2 EDEN Collective planets compromised
62'238'749 forces killed

Civilian casualties

263'983'212 civilians killed
563'982'555 displaced
616 missing


The Svanist War of Emancipation was one of the few civil conflicts within the Extoress Dishka o teh Extolactic Narmour Colecte (EDEN Collective).


The EDEN Collective had recently passed a bill to allow slavery and the first species that endured it where the Colos due to their immunity to toxicity. The Azacans were then used due to their ability to change their weight at will, and eventually the Svanists for their ability to consume heat. However, their decision to have Svanists proved to be a fatal choice as they are one of the most moral-based races of the Milky Way Galaxy.

They invaded the capital planet; E-S-011, and surrendered the Dishka in an attempt to force them to terminate the bill.

The War[]

After refusing their demands; a Svanist Dor ordered his forces to attack the planet, and destroyed most of the planet's equipment and environment. The Dishka order their ships to attack the Svanists and Azacans taking up arms against them.

The war costly in both finances and population as about 75% of both forces were annihilated, and extreme amount of civilian casualties was a result of the war.
