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This article, Succubus, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

A succubus (plural: succubi) are seductive humanlike female demons. They often come to men in their dreams. They usually seduce church officials, similarly to how honey pots usually seduce politicians, judges, lawyers, and law enforcement officials. Succubi typically have dark brown, medium brown, or russet hair, and dark brown, yellow or violet eyes. They also usually range in height from 5'6-5'9 and typically weigh roughly 119-128 lbs, although they can also be shorter or taller, depending on the male's preferred height and weight of women. It's male counterpart is called Incubus.

Though rare exceptions, some may even seduce lesbians who hold powerful positions in politics or some other shebang.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Super Speed: They can move faster than the eye can see, perhaps there really is more than meets the eye.
  • Super Strength: A succubus is far stronger than a human and can lift a grown man with one hand.
  • Flight: A succubi can use her wings to fly or levitate.
  • Kiss of Death: A succubus has the ability to steal life force energy via a kiss. This action usually results in death of normal humans if the succubus is a novice but can be controlled overtime.
  • Super Stamina: They can fight and make love vigorously without tire.
  • Healing Factor: They can fully heal from wounds such as stabs and gunshots.
  • Lust Empowerment: By having sexual intercourse, the succubus grows stronger.
  • Dream Walking: Succubi usually seduce men through entering their dreams.

Known Succubi[]

  • Verosika
  • Dia
  • Whore of Babylon
  • Lilith, mother of Succubi
  • Sereena
  • Anita Blake