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Edward Quincy "Squidward" Tentacles, aka Testicles (born October 9, 1974/26 BH) is an octopus from the cartoon, SpongeBob SquarePants. Alongside Sandy Cheeks, he is the only normal one on the show. He is the younger cousin of Squilliam Fancyson, some rich jerk who Squidy always envied. He is also the colleague of SpongeBob at the Krusty Krab and lives in between SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Starfish. He gets easily annoyed with SpongeBob, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs, but then gain, who doesn't? He also loves playing a clarinet, which jellyfish, for some reason hate. Probably just so they can make his life more miserable, since Squidward's role in life is eternal suffering, as he was the sea version of Vlad the Impaler in past life and now he has karmic debt to make up to.
He was also in the military from about 1992-1995/5 BH and fought against an army of sea urchins, lead by Sammy the Urchin. Oh, he is also a big fan of the famous clarinet player, Kelpy G, who is also a long-nosed octopus, like Squids.
He represents the sin of Wrath, which explains his hatred of everything nice and good and also his hatred of his colleagues, even if they ain't annoying him.