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This article, Spiritus Cornet, is property of Billy cougar.

Spiritus Cornet
Spiritus Kornet
Biographical information
Real name Spiritus Ave Cornet
Also known as Spirits, Martial Arts instructor/teacher, Mr. Cornet, Spirit crime, goth
Nationality Jewish-British flag British-Jewish
Born 17th of January, 1991
Age 31
Status Alive
Birthplace Leeds, England, United Kingdom, Europe
Cause of death/incarceration None
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian-Jewish
Height 5'9
Weight 72kg
Blood type B-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Cornet Dynasty, Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School, Daiko Mishima
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Martial arts teacher at Shepherd-Dixmor school
Notable family members Carl Cornet (godfather), Eliza Cornet (godmother), Victor Cornet (uncle), Jacob Cornet (great great great godfather/uncle), Elizabeth Cornet (great great great godmother/aunt), Isabella Cornet (great great grandmother), Don J. Cornet (great great granduncle), Lady Lilian Cornet (ancestor), Alexandra Cornet (mother), Cornelia Cornet (great great godmother), Beatrice Cornet (great great mother), Linda Cornet (great great aunt), Bianca Cornet (great great aunt), Belinda Cornet (great great grandmother), Cassandra Cornet (aunt), Gretel Cornet (aunt), Bryce Cornet (cousin), Jeffrey Cornet (father), Paul Cornet (uncle), Lili Cornet (cousin), Agustine Cornet (great great father), Cornet Brothers (great grandfathers), Rihidian Cornet Jr. (great great great grandfather), Rihidian Cornet Sr. (great great great great grandfather/uncle), Melinda Cornet (great great grandmother), Lilian Cornet (great great something), Connor Cornet (cousin)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Weapon Wielders
Voiced by (English) Timothy Chantarangsu
"One must first master the highest level of Karate before going to Ninjitsu, you fools!"
— Cornet at his students who don't know sith

Spiritus Ave Cornet is a supporting hero character in the Weapon Wielders and a member of the Cornet Dynasty. He works as the martial arts' teacher in Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School and his partner was Daiko Mishima of the Mishima Family until he left the school and headed back to Duro.


Spiritus' background is mostly unknown except that he is the martial arts teacher at Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School for years now and is a member of the Cornet Dynasty. He was the former student of Daiko Mishima who trained him many fighting styles like; Karate, Mantis, Shorin-Ryu and Pao Chui. He can be seen in a training session with Daiko Mishima training Justin Paul Florio, Deandre Drew Davis and Robert Snooker. Mishima told him that he had a "vision" of the presumed deceased Shang Tsung returning to the world of the living and opening yet another Mortal Kombat Tournament. In alarm, Cornet decided that if Mishima's visions are indeed true, they need to train their students harder and better for the sake of Earth. Daiko told him that it was up to him to choose the 'Chosen One' who would defend Earth from the fiends of Outworld and advised him to choose Candace Claire Baker but Cornet declined and said that no one should be chosen yet unless they are sure Daiko's visions were true (that flied hard into Daiko's face and was one of the reasons why he left Earth). Cornet didn't mention none of this to the bosses, Maxwell Morris Shepherd and Martin Dixmor since they would rather stick with Outworld and Kotal Kahn to destroy our planet or wouldn't believe them at all.

Personality and traits[]

Spiritus, unlike most other members of the Cornet Dynasty, is seen as a loving son and devoted teacher to the young ankle-biters at the school, unlike his former mentor, Daiko Mishima, who everyone sees as a heartless sociopath who gives little to no fakhs about anyone. He is probably one of the few good guys of the Cornet clan and would perhaps even stood up against them for the better good.


  • His name in Latin means 'Spirit Bird', quite an interesting name for a Cornet.
  • He is one of the few members of his family not to be a villain. At least not yet, eh?
  • Spiritus has a rather short temper and speaks in a similar manner as Giuseppe Li-Hong.