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This article, Sonny Wescott, is property of Billy cougar.

Sonny Wescott
Sonny Wescott
Biographical information
Real name Sonny Johns Wescott
Also known as Sunny, Vice, loose-knit government agency looking for handouts, Wes, cop, vice guy
Nationality Afro-American flag African-American
Born 16th of December, 1981/19 BH
Age 43
Status Alive
Birthplace Washington D.C, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown, black
Ethnicity Afro-Caucasian
Height 5'9
Weight 70kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) MPPD logo MPD, Charley Briggs, Malcolm Bernstein
Enemies Drug cartels and gangs, Tone Montana
Occupation(s) Miami vice
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: Twiy
Voiced by (English) ? (will be added)
"Hey, buddy, we're vice. Not some loose-knit government agency looking for handouts. You know how this is gonna work from here on now, don't you?"
— Sonny to Tony

Sonny Johns Wescott is a minor character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Not too much is known of Sonny's background, he works as a part of the Miami vice, and came to Miami from Washington D.C. He is teamed up with Charley Briggs in a job of the vice.


Sonny can be seen in the beginning mission where he and Briggs confront Tony Montana at the Babylon Club and tell him that he needs to give them 10,000$ in order for him to come back to his mansion again. After Montana gets the money and pays it off to Sonny and Briggs at the road leading up to the mansion in the mission "Pay off Vice", they let him in but tell him that he needs to be on the cops' good side, or else they will be forced to arrest his ass. During the conversation Tony mentions the former commissioner of MPD, Mel Bernstein, and tells the vice they don't want to suffer the same fate as he did. Briggs then tells him that Bernstein wasn't the team player and that Montana did them all a favour. The vice then leave Tony at the road to the mansion as they drive away in their Mystery Machine, but not before Charles assures him that they're "watching him". Sonny nor Briggs do not play anymore role in the game, but Sonny can be found fighting in the Bloodsport cage, and can be bet on. Sonny appears kind of weak in the matches, and can also lose a fight. He also uses Hispanic insults while combating his opponents.


"Me si, you no. Stupid greaseball!"
— Sonny while in Bloodsport
"What the hell makes you think I like doughnuts?"
— Sonny to Tony
"Okay, Tony, no more bullcrap. You know how this works. We've got your mansion locked up tighter than a nun's ass and if you want it back you're gonna have to cough up the cash."
— Sonny to Montana
"What's all over your face, pal?"
— Sonny to Tony
"Look, buddy, we know what you're up to. We've got our eyes on you now. Watch for us. We're everywhere. Know what I'm talking about? The cable guy, pizza delivery... Hell, we might even be cleaning your mama's carpets."
— Sonny to Montana
"Look, Montana, Miami is OUR backyard. The people pay us to make sure scumbags like you keep the economy nice and stable. We don't want to get in the way unless you force us to, understand? Our boys on the street keep tabs on you, you start doing too many things that upset the people then your heat goes up. If your heat gets too high then we'll be forced to make a house call. So, if you want to keep it cool with us, Montana, I suggest you make a donation."
— Sonny intimidating Montana to pay up
"I can't stand your annoying accent for one more second!"
— Sonny when in a Bloodsport


  • Sonny can be mistaken as a part of the Babylon Club security, due to his attire.
  • His name is usually mistaken as Sunny.
  • Sonny's eyes can be seen through his sunglasses if the player looks close enough. They're quite big.