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Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Nickname(s) Smithy, Corporal, Mikey
Appears in Call of Duty: The Warriors, Call of Duty: The Warriors 2
Rank Corporal, later Sergeant Major
Affiliations War Force 415
Status Alive
Killed By None
Birth 1981, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Death None
Weapon B.P.A.R., Monty .45 Pistol, Sniper Recon Rifle .360 and any weapon at his own disposal.
"I think they are dead, sir."
— Smith

Cpl. Michael Seymour Smith is the main protagonist and playable character in Call of Duty: The Warriors. He's taken control of on the second mission after a flashback to World War 2. In Call of Duty: The Warriors 2, he's not a playable character and is seen. He becomes the squad leader, later in the game, he becomes a playable character. He shares the same surname as the psycho student Gary Smith, but they are not related due to having different nationalities.
