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Silvio Gambinuchi is a major character in Queen City Underground and Tales from Queen City: The Ballad of Sean Killian.


Silvio Gambinuchi was born on July 13, 1971 in Queen City to his father, Ricardo Gambinuchi and his wife. In 1973 his brother Vinnie Gambinuchi was born and his mother died shortly afterward. In the 1980's his father remarried to another woman named Epalanza who verbally abused the boys and her husband which quickly caused Ricardo to divorce her. By 1987, Silvio and his brother were well aware of his father's involvement in the mafia and wanted to be mobsters themselves and the brothers would establish a small mafia family at their high school in the late 80's. By the 1990's, Silvio and his brother had joined up with their father's organisation, working their way up to capos.

Events of Queen City Underground[]

In 2001, Silvio is introduced to protagonist, Aiden McCreary by Mario Montinelli and Jimmy Pegorini. Silvio accompanies Aiden through many of the missions, disrupting the Alfred Family's operations throughout the city. Later in the game during the mission "Peace Offering" Silvio goes with Aiden and Vinnie to broker a peace with the Alfreds by paying a man named Franz Volner. When Volner tries to have the three killed, Silvio helps him in the shootout and is eventually the one to finally kill Franz. After a few solo missions, Silvio rejoins Aiden and Vinnie in the game's finale and helps in the final shootout with Adal Alfred. Silvio is last seen in the game celebrating with the other capos at the Gambinuchi residence over the victory in the war.

Events of Tales from Queen City: The Ballad of Sean Killian[]

By 2007, Silvio has been promoted to underboss of the family and regularly hangs out at his club, "Sil's" with his crew including, Vinnie, Matthew Gisamone , and several other Gambinuchi soldiers. Silvio is introduced midway through the game thanks to Matthew Gisamone who introduced Sean Killian to Silvio after Sean pleased Matthew in his work. Silvio assigns several missions to Sean and becomes a friend of his. Silvio supplies optional side missions where Sean assassinates rivals of Silvio's and through these missions where you learn more about his past. After his missions he is seen in the cutscene where the Furino Crime Family goes to war with the Gambinuchi's and three men attempt to kill Silvio on the street but Silvio escapes, killing one man in the process. Silvio returns again to assist in the final chase with Phil Furino through Queen City and New Porter. He is last seen in the final cutscene talking to Sean about Mario being shot and put into a coma. 

QCPD Police Record[]

  • 2001 - Extortion
  • 2003 - Possession of Cocaine
  • 2004 - Promoting Gambling
  • 2007 - Racketeering


  • Silvio accompanies Aiden McCreary more than any other character in Queen City Underground.
  • Silvio's appearance is the exact same in the Ballad of Sean Killian as in Queen City Underground.
  • Silvio was scheduled to be the main protagonist of a game project from 2012 called "Family Values", it was supposed to be set in 1996 Queen City, elements of this idea would eventually help contribute to development of A Tale of Two Families.