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This article, Showdown Mode, is property of Billy cougar.

You may also be looking for "Showdown", the last level in Call of Duty 8: End of the World.

Showdown Mode is a multiplayer mode for Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.


Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition has a single-console multiplayer mode in which two to seven human or AI players can battle on a variety of maps (or "stages") with a choice of a few dozen playable characters. Both the maps and playable characters are unlocked by purchasing items or completing challenges as detailed in the tables below.

The player's statistics for Showdown Mode are tracked in the "Frontier Battles" section of Edgar Rose's Journal. Players must tie their profile to the chosen character in the options menu of the character selection screen in order for the statistics to be tracked.

Game Modes[]

Three game modes can be selected from the Options menu on the map selection screen:

  • Bounty Hunter - game is won by the first player to reach the bounty money $. Options to set are bounty cash and power-up type.
  • Showdown - game runs for a set amount of time and the player with the most money wins. Options to set fight time, money and power-up type.
  • High Noon - Duelling. Option to set number of wins and options on how to cheat.

In modes, cards are added to the player's own hands and when a player gets five cards a special power is unlocked based on the player's hand. In Hold 'Em mode, each player starts with two cards of their own and all other collected cards are added to the community hand shared by all players, copying off poker. As soon as five cards are in the community hand, the player that forms the best hand from those cards and their own wins the hand and the special power, like in poker.

In the High Noon duelling mode, if more than two players are selected the left analog stick is used to switch opponents during a duel. Duelling continues until only one player is left standing.


There are four classes of cards. Red cards give weapon power-ups and fully restore health, yellow cards restore dead-eye and take a small amount of health (do not pick up this card unless necessary), green cards fully restore health and give some ammo to the current weapon, blue cards award new weapons and restore health a little.

Weapon power-ups include:

  • Ice damage (freezes enemies in place temporarily)
  • Fire damage (burns the suckers)
  • Mushroom oil damage
  • Knock down (players tumble as if hit by a cannon)
  • Faster bullets
  • Reflecting bullets
  • Regenerating health
  • Head slicer (enemies' heads can be chopped off instantly)

Special effects from completing a hand include:

  • Everyone is drunk - the player's controls are reversed for a short time and vision is blurred.
  • Burning rage - the player is set on fire for sometime and is able to kill other players with it. The fire does not damage you.
  • Kamikaze - you and all of your enemies or allies explode like nuffin.

Playable Characters[]

Characters for use in Showdown Mode can be unlocked by completing missions or by purchasing certain items, as noted in the table below. They can also be unlocked by playing Showdown Mode and choosing the player's profile on the character selections screen options menu.

Six characters are available from the start (no need to be unlocked), as noted in the table. Each character has a special ability.

Character Ability Faction Unlock method Quote
Randolph Knox Heals himself up with bottles of medicine. U.S. Marshals Complete "The Train" on Bonus mode "You actually wanna scrap with Randolph Knox?"
Dutch van der Linde One-shots an enemy with a Sawn-off Shotgun. Dutch's Tribe Complete "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" with an excellent rating or
Purchase Harmonica
"We're taking back what's ours!"
Seth Brains Uses his glass eye to call up the Undead to do his dirty work. Grave robber gang Complete "The Hunt for Seth Brains" with an excellent rating or
Purchase the Coffin
"Who's got a kiss for Seth? WHO!?"
Sonny Higbee Gets some exploding Commando Knifes. Irish's Gang Complete "Twin Rocks" with an excellent rating "It's yo' time to bite the dust, coyote pussy!"
Verner Corn Gets dynamite that explodes on contact. Ugly Gang Available at the start of Showdown Mode "You ain't no better than what I am."
Alicia Thayer Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. None Available at the start of Showdown Mode "Man, that is ONE UGLY mug!"
Captain Espizona Gets explosive bullets. Mexican Army Complete "Fort Mercer" with an excellent rating "I'm gonna join this!"
Colonel Allende Gets himself an Explosive Rifle Mexican Army Complete "Devils and Angels" with an excellent rating "¡Vámonos! Date prisa, cabrón!"
Mayor Johnson Gets two Le'Mate Revolvers American Army Complete "Fall from Balcony" with an excellent rating "You've come a long way to die, son."
Bo Scrantom Gets bullets that set enemies on fire. He takes them to learn! Ugly gang Available at the start of Showdown Mode "I'll take a poo in your hat."
Jack Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. None Available at the start of Showdown Mode "Name's Jack Marston! Remember it!"
Mr. Kelley Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. None Complete "Battle Finale" with an excellent rating "It looks like you'll spend the rest of your life... DEAD!"
Harvard Coskie Spits Mushroom Oil on enemies. Basset's Miners Complete "Silver's Night Town" on Bonus Mode "Stop drinking for courage, it's pissin' down your leg!"
Manny Wide Lights himself on fire! None Complete "Bear Mountains" on Bonus Mode "(Sounds of blocks of wood talking)"
Rufus Bollard Picks up an enemy and throws him to the ground, charges at an enemy like Bonzo the Bull British's Gang Purchase the Beard Comb or complete "Bar Fight" with an excellent rating "Looks like the final curtain for you!"
"Turtle" Reese Gets Scotch bottles that explode on contact. None Complete "Twin Rocks" on Bonus Mode "I'm gonna die! Help meh!"
Abigail Marston Gets explosive arrows. None Complete "Beecher's Hope" on Bonus Mode "Looks like I'm too much of a woman for you."
Boonie MacFarlane Fires a large blast from the rifle. None Available at the start of Showdown Mode "This sure beats milkin' or slaughterin' cows!"
Leg Johnson Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. U.S. Marshals Complete "The Hunt For Guard Dig" "It's gonna be a bloody job."
Gus Ballard Gets Mushroom Oiled bullets in his shotgun. Ugly gang Available at the start of Showdown Mode "Now that there's a ceep gun."
Michael Reese Generates Mushroom Oil. Ugly gang Available at the start of Showdown Mode "Eat bullets! Eat those mf's!"
Nastas Becomes invisible for some time. Shadow Wolf's tribe Complete "Bear Mountains" with a good rating "You can't change who you are!"
Ugly Chris Throws enemy on the floor. Ugly gang Complete "Silver Town" with a good rating "*Farts* Woah! Easy on them baked beans, Marshal!"
Guard Dig Gets lots of dynamites. Basset's gang Complete "The Hunt for Guard Dig" with an excellent rating or
Purchase Pigs Feet
"This place blows!"
Charlie Mash Lasso'es a target. British's Gang Complete "MacFarlane's Ranch" with an excellent rating or
Purchase Branding Iron
"Drown in mud!"
Mickey Conway Throws some knives into a target with enhanced accuracy. Basset's miners Purchase Hillbilly Stove "This should hurt quite a bit, muahahahahaha!"
Hassun Throws a huge rock at a target. Dutch's tribe Complete "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase Bloody Rock
"You're down on your last chip!"
Hestor Frith Throws some knives into a target with enhanced accuracy. Pedrosa Gang Purchase the Red Bandana "Which one of you b-tards wants to join Hestor in Hell?"
Oscar Navarro Throws enemy on the floor. Banditos Complete "Indian Hills" with an excellent rating "Is there anything to drinky!?"
Dan Pister Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. Grave robbers Complete "The Hunt for Seth Brains" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase Bed Roll
"Name's Dirty Dan Pister! Yours is cow dung!"
Willie Bollard Throws a barrel at the target. British's Gang Complete "Saloon Fight" with a good rating "Say goodbye, cowboy!"
Brumas the Bear Slashes the enemy with his claws. Dutch's tribe Complete "Bear Mountains" with excellent rating or
Purchase Dreamcatcher
"(Bear growls)"
Cooper Red Throws a barrel at the target. Irish's gang Complete "The Hunt for Dutch van der linde" with a Good rating or purchase the Barrel "You gonna burn in Hell before night falls!"
Sid Winkler Gets a random frozen throwable item: either a Bottle, Fire Bottle, or Mushroom Oil. British's gang Complete "Saloon Fight" on Bonus Mode or purchase Towel "Tell me, is it wrong that I enjoy this so much? Woo-hoo!"
Landon Ricketts Gets an Explosive Rifle. None Complete "Indian Hills" mission "I've been through a milk! But you? You're sumethin' else!"
John Marston Becomes invisible for some time. None Purchase the Straw Hat "C'mon friend! Shoot me!"
Harlan Forbers Puts down a fake card, which explodes when its collected. Basset's miners Complete "The Hunt for Guard Dig" on Bonus Mode or purchase the Napoleon "Boy, r u gonna be sorry you woke up this mornin'!"
Rico Pedrosa Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. Pedrosa Gang Complete "Train" with an excellent rating or purchase the Woman Photo "This one's for your mamma!"
Woody Sunshine Gets explosive bottles. Irish's gang Complete "Silver Town" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase Old Pipe
"There ain't no one here... that's better than me."
Helaku Gets arrows smeared with Mushroom Oil. Dutch's tribe Purchase Christmas Tree "I'd rather use my hands than shoot with a Colt; the mayor's men use that gun."
Ralph Anderson Gets bullets with Mushroom Oil effect. None Purchase the Hand Dildo "Is life always this hard? Or it's just when you're kid?"
Jack Jr. Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. None Purchase Sand Painting "I'll get it this time!"
Rj Peart Generates a set of Fire Bottles. Texas Sheriffs Purchase Family Photo "Killing your kind's about the only thing that makes this bearable!"
Sarah Grace Quickly shoots all rounds into a target with enhanced accuracy. None Purchase a Horseshoe "Look at me! You're méchant, all of you!"
Link Huston Throws an enemy on the floor, gets some dynamite. Irish's gang Complete "MacFarlane's Ranch" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase Black Bandana
"I'm cummin' for you!"
Edgar Rose Heals himself up with some tobacco. FBI Complete "Train" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase France City Photo
"You'd make me one fine agent!"
Walton Lowe Gets faster bullets ability. Irish's gang Complete "Twin Rocks" with a good rating "Mister, I'm gonna make muffins outta you!"
Mary Lou Devours her prey. Seth's zombies Purchase the Bloody Handkerchief "(Moans and growls)"