Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Shifty, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.


Shifty is a green mobster raccoon from Happy Tree Friends. He has a twin brother named Lifty. Lifty and Shifty’s nationalities are unknown, but possibly either Italian, Irish, Jewish, or some form of Eastern European. Shifty always wears a fedora whereas Lifty doesn’t. That is the only way of telling them apart. They both have mischievous grins on their faces before committing crimes. They steal money, jewelry, cars, artifacts, your bicycle, the Krabby patty secret formula, candy from babies and the cookie from the cookie jar. They've also been known to commit other heinous crimes such as selling stuff they stole on the black market, breaking into your house, drinking the last beer and deleting your Facebook posts while you're either asleep or offline. Shifty also commonly abuses Lifty and drags him into various dangerous situations while does his best to keep himself out of it. Lifty and Shifty die in almost every episode they’re in. This could be because karma has its own weird way of working. However, the reason they always come out alive in the next episode is because, like with Lumpy, death has no patience for those two and so she keeps sending them back to Earth.


  • Both Shifty and Lifty are based as stereotypes of the Barzini Family.
  • In something he looks like Stitch from " Lilo and Stitch"