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This article, Shelton Benjamin VS Tone Montana - Rap Beetle 35, is property of Squirrely the Horrible.

Shelton Benjamin VS Tone Montana
Benjamin SheltsVsMuntana with benjo
Biographical information
Nationality Afro-American flag Afro-American (Benjamin), Slovenia!Hungary! Slovene-Hungarian (Muntana)
Born 8 July, 27 BH (Benjamin), 1 Desember, 30 BH (Muntana)
Age 47 (Benjamin), 42 (Montana)
Status Alive (Shelton), ded (Montana)
Physical description
Eye colour Brown (both)
Hair colour Gold (dyed), originally black (Shelton), brown (Tone)
Height 6'2" (Benjamin), 5'6" (Montana)
Weight 112kg (Shelton), 67kg (Tonie)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) The WWE, Anti-Racists (former), RAW, Big Zeke (formerly) (Benjamin), Montana Gang, Alejandro Sausage (former), Sandman (former), Villain Video Enterprises, Dixmor Project, George Sheffield (former)
Enemies Racists, Joseph Goebbels, Count Orlok, Olaf Tutchenko, Moonman, Donald Black, Mothman (Benjamin), Sausage, Gaspar Gomez, Gaspar's Gang, Nacho Contreras, Nacho's Gang, Sheffield, Corleone Family (Tony)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) WWE Series until WWWWE '12 (Shelton), Scarface: Twiy 1 & 2, Mafia III (mentioned) (Montana)
Voiced by (English) Himself (Bejamin), André Sogliuzzo, some random Black dude in a fishstore (Montana)

Shelton Benjamin VS Tone Montana is the thirty-fifth instalment of EERB and the seventh episode of season 3. It features the WWWE pro-wrestler and future Legend, Shelton Benjamin, rapping against the top gangster of Florida crime scene, Antonio Raimundo Raic Montana. It was released on July 12th, 21 AH.


Benjamin (1st Verse)[]

Look at my fist,

Now back to me!

What's in your first, now back to me?

What's in your hand?!

Back at me!

An expensive gift I found in the sea and sold on eBay!

Now look again:

It's a vegetarian piranha!

Now it's a pharmashada!

I'm owning Dolfin Ziggler,

You own who?

You own the moon, with no O2!

Now look at me, I'm pretty handsome,

I heard the Freemasons had you held for ransom!

Behind you, look, a box of dead kittens!

At me now, I beat Jason Voorhees!

When I win opponents close their eyes, ok, when they wake up their woken!

Now look down, your hip is broken!

I'm almost done, soon you can talk!

But if you attack, Ezekiel Jackson will block!

Montana (1st Verse)[]




Ha ha! I killed two greatest cartel leaders just alone

And feel bad for their stones!

My creed is so big, it makes the least interesting man explode!

I'll drink your blood, and chase it with 151!

I challenged Medusa to a staring contest and on the third day I won!

I'm the closest thing the world has ever come to perfection!

When I get lost in the hood, gangbangers give me directions for they fear me!

Google searches me, dolphins watch, my beauty has seen more than you!

And when I conquered Rome, they did as I did!

I just show up, and biatches follow!

I don't always give women orgasms, but when I do, they swallow.

I've wore a black belt in karate since I was in the womb

I left the keys over there, kid, go to your tomb!

I'm kicking your as, you're fighting off the urge to say thanks!

Oh, and by the way, Old Spice will never smell as good as Axe!

Benjamin (2nd verse)[]

Old Spice actually smells better than fresh chocolate-chip cookies right out of the oven that John Barbecue Crisps baked,

Cinnamon rolls, that brand new car smell, and blueberry muffins!

You should know that you just can't take glory!

I'll kick your as with a marker and take your money, your defeat

All mixed together!

Montana (2nd Verse)[]

I don't always kill people who're liars! But your gold hair look like you're a typical run-out-of-mill soap!

Ezekiel Jackson (Third rapper)[]

Bah old man, you've been talkin' familiar for an hour!

I'll burn your ass with double sun power!

What rhymes with explosion?

Another explosion!? Yeah,

Now, excuse me, I gotta go build Shelton's gold gym.


What the fuak?


Who won???

  • Shelton and Jackson: 2434 points
  • Tone R. R. Montana: 2666 points