Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Sheldon Thompson, is property of ParadoxTheDelirium.

This article, Sheldon Thompson, is property of Demon Redwood.

Sheldon Thompson
Thompson wit book
Biographical information
Real name Sheldon Marcus Thompson
Also known as Marc, black little boy, The Sheldonator, Shell, DTon, Teacher's Pet, small kid
Nationality Afro-American flag African-American
Born September 12, 1993/7 BH
Age 13 (during the events of Bully from fall 6 AH to summer 2007/7 AH), now 30
Status Alive, probably
Birthplace Austin, Texas, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Afro-Caucasian
Height 4'6.5" (138 cm) (as a kid, today unknown)
Weight 73 lbs (33 kg) (as a kid)
Blood type O-
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Jimmy Hopkins, Dr. Justin Roberts Sr., Smith's Worshippers, Tamara Danvers
Enemies Bullies, Russell Northrop
Occupation(s) Student at Dixmor Academy (formerly), now a teacher
Notable family members Unnamed parents
Goals Bang Miss Danvers (failed), become a teacher (succeeded)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) John Magaro
"Why would Mr. Hattrick call me a twerp?"
— Sheldon

Sheldon Thompson is a student at Dixmor Academy, who appears in Bully as a minor character.

Role in Game[]

He gives Jimmy Hopkins two errands during the course of the entire game. One is to pull the fire alarm to get the class who is too busy studying rush out of the class, and the other is to throw a firecracker down a toilet where Algernon Papadopoulos took a shit. He can be seen entering several of Jimmy's classes along with Bryce Cornet and Beatrice Trudeau.

He also appears in the Scholarship Edition exclusive mission "Rudy the Red-Nosed, but Fake Santas" as one of the generic kids there, sucking Santa's dick. In this appearance, he talks with a stereotypical babyish lisp and is sulky and morose, talking about how he hates Christmas, like some sorta pessimist like Pedro De La Hoya. It is unknown what caused Sheldon's sudden change in voice or attitude, but perhaps his alcoholic father gave him a slap around the head one too many often.

He originally appeared in the beta version of "Complete Mayhem", where he and Pedro were supposed to be taking a walk around Blue Skies Industrial Park and hailing Gary Smith, only to be scared off by Russell Northrop later on.

After the events of the game in the adulthood, he became a teacher at a prestigious Ivy League college. Lucky guy.


"Hi! It's me, Sheldon!"

- Sheldon, greeting people

"You know that's not allowed in there."

- Sheldon, on bad terms with Jimmy when he shows some middle fingers

"Come on Jimmy, we're friends!"

-Sheldon, pleading Jimmy when he beats his but

"I love Miss Danvers!"

- Sheldon fantasising about the secretary

"Dr. Roberts forbids standing up to people."

-Sheldon on Justin

"I believe Mr. Hattrick is a wonderful teacher!"

-Sheldon on Umberto Hattrick

"I hate getting purple nurples!"

-Sheldon after the bullies touch his tits

Personality and traits[]

Sheldon is the most pranked-on student of all time in the entire school. He is a teacher's pet, friendly like Ray Hughes, but the pranks performed on him are a lot worse - getting locked in a locker, wedgies, needles, Santa's cumshots and mashed potatoes are found in his shoes. Despite this, he's a rather cocky jerk himself. He always snitches on other students and communicates with the teachers, and honestly believes Dr. Roberts Sr. that Umberto Hattrick considers him a friend, but Umberto thinks he's annoying. Thompson has a crush on Tamara Danvers. He wished to be a teacher someday and that wish was fulfilled. He shares a surname with Ted Thompson but they are obviously not related to each other.

As a teacher, his attitude is pretty much the same - he always reports students' behaviour to his higher-ups, hehe.


  • Sheldon is tied with Pedro De La Hoya for being the smallest kid on school.
  • His report card grades, as sometimes seen, are the following:
  • Art: E-
  • Science: A
  • English: A+
  • History: B+
  • Math: A
  • Biology: D+
  • Chemistry: B-
  • Geography: A+
  • Music: C+
  • Photography: F
  • Shop: F
  • Home Economics: A
  • Gym: F

