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This article, Sergio, is property of Billy cougar.

Sergio (last name unknown)
Nickname(s) The Duelist, Serg, Diego's guy, Kelley's right-hand, Diego's lackey, El Dualista
Appears in Red Dead Revolver
Rank Mexican Army soldier, Mr. Kelley's henchman
Affiliations Mexican Army, Javier Diego, Mr. Kelley
Nationality Unknown, Mexico, North America
Status Deceased
Killed By Red Harlow
Sex Male
Hair Brown
Eyes Blue
Death 22 May, 1887, The Diablo Mine, Nuevo Paraíso, Mexico
Timeline Current timeline
Voice Actor Chaske Spencer
"Finally! We've just been killin' time since Mr. Kelly told us to guard this... hole in the ground. But it looks like things are pickin' up! (Sergio and his companions laugh) That's bad luck for you, stranger."
— Sergio confronting Red Harlow

Sergio is a minor villain character in Red Dead Revolver.


Sergio appears to be a hired gun working for Mr. Kelley. Kelley stationed him to guard the Diablo Mine.


After making it out of his jail cell in the mission "Jailbreak", Red searches the mine for several keys needed for his escape. Along the way, he enters a room with Sergio, Private Eli Hanson, and "Rat" Ennio. They attempt to duel Red and are all killed in the gunfight. Sergio is also seen controlling the Gatling gun in the mission "Fort Diego".

Journal Entry[]

That one time I was held prisoner at the Diablo mine, I saw a guy called "The Duellist" or "El Duelista". He was sitting playing blackjack, uno or poker while everyone else worked. The miners did not even know his name, and they were not shy men. It wasn't until I saw Sergio cleaning his pistols I knew what he was there for: Pest control.


