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This article, Semyon-Timur Alekseyevich Krokov, is property of Billy cougar.

Semyon-Timur Alekseyevich Krokov
His face on police files.
Biographical information
Real name Vladimir Semyon-Timur Ferdinand-Alekseyevich Josip Krokov
Also known as Long-name, Semyon, Josip, Vlad, Marina's boy, Chernobyl, Aleks
Nationality Ukraine flag Ukrainian
Born 22nd of January, 1945
Died 26th of May, 2019
Age 74
Status Deceased
Birthplace Kiev, Ukraine, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian-Slavic
Height 6'0
Weight 78 kg or 171 lbs
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Marina Family (former), Dixmor Project
Enemies Remigio Puricci, Vinci Family, Falcone Family
Occupation(s) Marina lawyer (former), Project Associate, attorney
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Mafia II
Voiced by (English) John Malkovich
"Tак довго, як ви платите мені, я буду щасливий, щоб захистити вас."
— Semyon after being hired

Vladimir Semyon-Timur Alekseyevich Krokov was an Ukrainian mobster who was a New York City lawyer, being hired by the Marina Family in 1982. Krokov made Marinas allied to the street gang the SkullsRed Dragon Triads, and O'Neil Gang, until their collapse in 1985 when the Triad assassins killed Don Cadena in prison, and Semyon's career as a lawyer ended. At least for the Marinas, that is.


Timur was born in Kiev, Ukraine, to a rich family in 1945 who sucked Joe Valirover's dik well. Krokov was raised in Pripyat neighbourhood at the time of WWII, but later moved out with his family to USA shortly, to start new lives. He was employed by the Marina Family in 1982, and with his help the family made close allies with African-American and Chinese gangs - as a matter of fact, they were even drinking and gambling buddies on one occasion.

Marina family was weakened following the murder of Don Raul Marina II on September 22, 1984, and Timur was about to be assassinated two days later at the Marina Mansion. He was about to be fatally stabbed in the chest by Stephena Cojonez, a strong hitman of the Vinci Family, a rival crime family of Marina's, but Steven escaped and failed the mission as two Marina mobsters stormed in and guarded Timur with Tommy Guns.

After the family heard about their new leader, Don Cadena's death, they stopped their organisation and Marina family was history. However, that didn't stop Simon Bennett, Pablo Picasso (not the artist), and Harold Maibatazzu from making it to France and start out as a small gang there. But, that so-called gang was short lived, as they were quickly assassinated by Remigio Puricci in 2015.

Rumour also has it, and it's true that he and Ramozzi were a part of The Project and were rich.


Krokov was killed on 26 May, 2019, via a car bomb explosion in the middle of New York. The bomb was put under his car by the Pizza Family after he and his boys dissed their vegan pizza.

His wife, grandchildren and children received a letter that evening of Krokov's demise plus a piece of his cloth wrapped in a paper, it was a traditional, creepy-styled mafia message they say.

