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This article, Second Cold War, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission.


Super War

Second Cold War


Second Cold War


April 24th, 2024 - 2058




  • Rise of the Interdimensional Association
  • Treaty of China
    • Former members of Darkness's Imperial Military deported from Earth
  • Fall of the Southern Confederation
  • 80% of Svanist race killed
  • Orion's Interstellar Alliance absorbed into Orion's Diplomatic Alliance
  • 25 planets colonised by WOLFHOUND Empire.

Orion's War:
Orion's Diplomatic Alliance

World War III:
Adelaide Union
Middle Eastern Coalition

Seven Months' War:

World War III:
Second Warsaw Pact

Southern Confederation

Orion's Interstellar Alliance
Collective Planets of the Svanists


Fleet Marshall Felicity Toothpick

Many Leaders

Council of Orion's Arm
Unknown Dor


Numerous Armed Forces and Defence Forces

Numerous Armed Forces and Defence Forces

OSA Armed Forces
CPS Interstellar Armed Forces


Millions of Military and Civilian deaths

Millions of Military and civilian deaths

Millions of OSA Soldiers KIA
Trillions of Svanists killed


The Second Cold War (also known as the Interdimensional Cold War) was a period of Astropolitical tensions between the WOLFHOUND Empire and Orion's Interstellar Alliance and geopolitical tensions between the Multiverse Alliances.

Seven Months' War[]

Although it is not the first war of the Second Cold War - it is considered the most horrific due to a wayward WOLFHOUND soldier using a genie to shorten the lifespan of all Svanist from 64'999'999 years to 100 years causing all Svanist over 100 years old to die almost instantly across the Multiverse. As a result, only 6 Billion Svanist in each Universe survive the wish as their biology were altered to adjust for their new lifespan. The wayward soldier was arrested and imprisoned for trillions of innocent lives he is responsible.

It is also known as the first war that the WOLFHOUND Empire surrendered to - albeit on false pretences.

World War III[]

Several months after the end of the Super War - the Second Warsaw Pact was not willing to allow remnants of Darkness's Imperial Military to live on Earth following the war and denied citizenship to thousands of Sarams, Azacans, and Colos. During a UN meeting - the President of the Pact demanded that remnants be expelled from Earth as a punishment for their crimes against humanity. The Union and Coalition openly refused and decided that they should be given a chance to redeem themselves, but Second Warsaw Pact refused.

The Polish government along with the Russian and Albanian Government invaded Eastern Asia in order to attack the Alien Registration Offices leading to Asian Theatre of World War III as Serbian and many other members of the Second Warsaw Pact assaulted Western Asia.

World War III theatres consisted of the Asian Theatre, South America Theatre, and Australian Theatre.

Eventually - the Adelaide Union and Middle Eastern Coalition surrendered to the Second Warsaw Pact with the signing of the Treaty of China and the remnants were deported.

Other conflicts[]

The Southern Confederation immediately went back to their pirate ways and were able to begin going across the Multiverse to conduct their crimes. The WOLFHOUND Empire and local governments worked together to fight against them and it was soon evident that the Southern Confederation was acting similar to the Soviet Union.
