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This article, Sebastjan Pickles, is property of Billy cougar.

Sebastjan Pickles
Sab Pik
Biographical information
Real name Sebastjan Janez Pickles
Also known as Sab, Sabo, Sebastian, daddy, father, dad, Fattah', pervert, creep, weirdo, Bags-sayer, Pick Dik, Angelica's dad, real life Peter Griffen, Real Nero, wanna-be Quan Chi
Nationality Polish-American flag American-Polish
Born 1st of May, 1981
Age 41
Status Deceased
Birthplace Hamden, Connecticut, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Slavic-Caucasian
Height 5'4" (166 cm)
Weight 121 lbs (55 kg)
Blood type A
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Angelica Pickles, his boss (faking), Barney Bunch Logo Barney Bunch, Ronald McDonald, the P3N15 Club, Brotherhood of Shadow logoBrotherhood of Shadow (former)
Enemies Stu Pickles, DeeDee Pickles, his boss, Count Orlok
Occupation(s) Division manager for a small-time computer company, wrestler
Notable family members Angelica Pickles (daughter), Carol Pickles (wife), Stu Pickles (brother), DeeDee Pickles (sister-in-law), Thomas Pickles (cousin-in-law), Dil Pickles (godson), Tommy Pickles (godson), Lou Pickles (father-in-law), Julia Pickles (mother-in-law), Janez Pickles (father)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) None
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) Rugrats series and films
Voiced by (English) Michael Bell, Microsoft Sam, BonziBUDDY
"Bag, that was swell!"
— Sebastjan's catchphrase
"So, Angelica, I heard you are a Satanist or Shinnoknist or whatever you kids call it, of some sorts. You may be skilled in demonic blasphemies, but I will teach you how to unholy abomination:

(Sabo tries his best to grow a demonic tail, horns, get his eyes to turn red and get shark or Tarkatan-like teeth. He then spreads his hands open) AAAAARRRGHHAAAAAAGHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHRRRRHHHAAAGGG!!!!!! AAAGHAA!!!! (Starts breathing fast from exhaustion while calming down) Wrongest! God save us..."

— Sebastian trying to teach his daughter how to 'unholy abomination'

Sebastjan Janez Pickles is the egocentric, eccentric, creepy, annoying and weird father of Angelica Pickles in Rugrats and a recurring hero while he has also been known to be an anti-villain.


Married to Carol Pickles, he started out as an office worker for a computer company, but is currently the division manager and unlike his workaholic of a wife, he is little fond of punishing his daughter when she becomes a greedy, ruthless dictator to the babies and other people alike, and unlike his wife, Sebastjan enjoys spending time with Angelica and likes conversing with her on numerous topics. He claims he likes her nickname Satanica. It should also be noted that despite agreeing in punishing her, he always feels kind of bad afterwards and usually tries to cheer Angelica up with some "dank memes" he found while browsing on computer while slacking on his job. He is the oldest son of Janez Pickles, his father who came to Connecticut from Poland after whom his middle name was given. He shows some sibling rivalry with his brother, Stu, and can usually be found making anti-memes about him and badmouths him when holding meetings. Angelica's Daddy can also often be seen fighting with his wife's sister, DeeDee, most notably in The Rugrats Movie, where he was seen splashing water over her with buckets and then ordering Angelica to bring him his squirt gun. He gets along pretty well with other members of his and his wife's family.

If we count in some of his darker traits, which are usually absent from the cartoons since they are 8+, Sebastjan can easily be found to be a lame, selfish, misogynistic, perverted ex-rapist which could explain why he hates DeeDee so much. Unfortunately, most details of his off-screen life are unknown, though one can assume he has a Glenn Quagmire or Peter Griffin-like personality, minus banging women other than his wife. He is also known to have a nonsensical sense of humour, with little to none of his jokes making any sense.

Counting him while on his job, Sebastjan is known to be an extreme suck-up to his boss, but only so he can leave work about twenty minutes earlier than his coworkers. While he is at home, he keeps complaining about his job and his boss nonstop. He was also known to be asking his daughter for advises on how to possess his boss with demons so he can get a higher pay and more free time to play video games and laugh at some memes, but with Angelica being useless on the matter, Sebastjan called her a "poser".

Recently Sebastjan has signed into WWE where he works for the Brotherhood of Shadow under Count Orlok and is also the ex-Intercontinental Champion. His connection to Orlok can be thanked due to Angelica Pickles's convincings.


"Tbh, I used to be gay, y'know? But once I was around thirteen years old I sat on a banana and while that was pretty uncomfy, it changed my life: I decided to become straight."
— Sebastjan on his ex-sexuality
"Hey, Angelica, wanna go disrespect other people's religions? I love spreading around your blasphemous ideals! Btw, my codename be: Real Nero!"
— Fattah' to Ang
"He-hey, my sweet daughter! Can you locate a sweaty-mint? I think your mum hide it somewhere in the bathroom."
— Sebastjan asking Ang if she can find his pills
"Hey, Angelica; Spell Mississippi! Then spell something harder: World Revolution!"
— Sabo to Angelica
"If you ever need some history lesson, I can tell you where Mikhail Čaćovič was from: the Russian Republic, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Soviet Union."
— Pickles spitting out some history
"Hey, Satanica! I'm a crAB! Btw, tell your mum that in this house there is no smoking!"
— Pickles goofing and talking around with his only child
"Sticks and stones may break my boner! But I swear that words will never hurt me! NEVAH!!!"
— Sebastjan
"Hey, Angelica! It's 7 O'glock! Oops, sith, I meant o'clock! Time for school! (Quietly) Don't shoot up your school, pls. At least not without me."
— Bags-sayer waking up his daughter
"Hey, Satanica... What are you yabadabadoing here???"
— Sebastjan when Angelica skips school
"Hey, Angelica! Spell ICUP! Mwahahaha! Get it?"
— Sab is indeed a disturbed man
"Hey, daughter! I just joined the P3N15 club, haha! Wanna see the secret member code on my arm-well, meh, never mind. You're a lil' too young for that, pumkin."
— Sabo has P3N15 written on his arm
"Wassup, Angelica? Oh, sith, look out, BEHIND YOU! If you're scared of ghosts use this uber code to keep safe: Canada!"
— Pickles advising his daughter what to do if she's afraid of ghostly apparitions
"I have a pretty hard math challenge here. Do 4000 divide by 3,18 without using calculator, "Queen" Pickles! Lemme see if Shinnok will help you."
— The pervert teaching his daughter some mathematics
"Hey, Angelica! I have an English-themed challenge for ya! Spell whomst've and then salt! Salt is also known as NaCi."
— Sabo teaching Angelica some stuff
"Oh, hello Donkey Kong from Donkey Kong! Hahahaha! Now I thought of a new joke: renovate Dong! Oh, wow, I'm so funny! Also, I need to convince my boss to heighten my pay so I can get a new Huawei! Oh, boy a new Hawaii phone! I'll tell my wife to buy it for me and in return I'll give her Xbox 360! I'll also strangle her if she won't like Satan!"
— Angelica's dad talking to himself while at work and while playing Donkey Kong
"Hail to the Queen! HAIL TO THE ONE! Kneel to her crown! STAND IN THE SUN! HAIL! HAIL!!! HAIL TO THE QUEEN, YEAH! Wassup, hey Satanica?"
— Sebastjan cheering up her daughter when she comes home grumpy from school, referring an Avenged Sevenfold song while at it


  • Sabo's phone number is 666-7761. He changed it from 555 to 666 in honour of his daughter.
  • Angelica Pickles is actually jealous of his haircut.
  • Sebastjan is nicknamed Sab and Sabo after a bar owner from L.A. Noire in the 70's, Leroy Sabo.
  • Sebastjan starts almost all of his conversations with his daughter with "Hey, Angelica/Satanica" regardless of where she is and regardless of how many times he's already greet her.
  • He is trying his best to make sure that every sentence he makes has some sort of a joke in it.
  • His sexual organ is rumoured to be over 280 miles long. How he can fit it into his pants in the first place is unknown.
    • He is also rumoured to have three testicles. One can speculate that these abnormal organs have something to do with his weird behaviour.
  • Sebastjan's car is a GS Mercedes. (In real life a Mercedes Benz.)
  • Sabo is known to keep a sub-machine Gun and an Escopeta hidden in his closet. As of late, he has told Angelica exactly where they are hidden and has also taught her how to use the SMG, in case she would ever need it, which she won't hopefully.
  • Pickles has some mysterious affiliation to the Barney Bunch and Ronald McDonald. He gets his Big Macs from Ronald personally.
    • It is possible that he might have a mysterious affiliation to the Teletubbies and the Wiggles as well, but it isn’t confirmed.
  • Sabo claims his favourite bands are Black Sabbath and Avenged Sevenfold.
  • He once tried to summon the demon Astaroth.
