Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Scott Pruitt, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Scott Pruitt
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Biographical information
Real name Edward Scott Pruitt
Nationality British-American flag American-British
Born May 9, 1968
Age 50
Birthplace Danville, Kentucky, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Hazel
Hair colour Gray
Ethnicity Caucasian-Anglo-Aryan
Height 5'8
Weight 150 lbs
Career, affiliations and family information
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Head of the EPA
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information

Edward Scott Pruitt is the current head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He goes by Scott Pruitt, is from Kentucky, and of British descent. He supports Donald Trump and Frank Kenson. He is also not popular at all among liberal environmentalists as he plans on weakening the powers of his own agency. At the same time, he is also dedicated to catching criminals. He is somewhat similar to other conservative secret agents such as Edward B. Fortune, Joe Arpaio, and David Clarke. KGBSpetsnaz likes him very much. He, like all the other people in US today, hos to worship Kenson as his God, something he really isn't against.
