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This article, Sameth Feirrara, is property of Billy cougar.

Sameth Feirrara
Biographical information
Real name Sameth Von Feirrara Jr.
Also known as Sammy, Ferrie, Ferroz, Corduroy's bodyguard
Nationality Germany-Italy German-Italian
Born 30th of June, 1974
Died 26th of May, 2015
Age 41
Status Deceased
Cause of death/incarceration Shot 58 times with a Tommy Gun by Domenico Von Crane
Physical description
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Germanic-Latin
Height 5'11
Weight 87kg
Blood type B+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stracci Family
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Stracci assassin, mobster
Notable family members Sameth Von Feirrara Sr. (father), Gideon Kane (uncle-in-law)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather: Control of France City
Voiced by (English) Joe Paulino
"I will end you sooner!"
— Sameth to Gideon Kane

Sameth Feirrara was the Stracci Family's assassin.


He was the hotel owner's son. His father, Sameth Von Feirrara Sr., was the owner of multiple hotels called "Feirrara's Lofts" and worked with Straccis. When his father died, his web of hotels was gone to his brother-in-law and Sameth's uncle-in-law Gideon KaneCuneo Consigliere, that angered him and Straccis.


In mission "Stracci Vendetta", on May 26, 2015, he was killed with his bodyguards in Von Crane's crematorium shortly after the Corleones killed Wendy Corduroy, Johnathan Cadimius, many Stracci mobsters and "presumably" Carmine Stracci at The Red Fox restaurant. He was ratted out by some surviving Stracci mobsters who surrendered to the Corleones. He was shot 58 times in all body parts by Domenico Von Crane, that wielded Tommy Gun.
