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This article, Salvatore Cuneo, is property of Billy cougar.

Salvatore Cuneo
Salvatore Cuneo
Nickname(s) Sal, Mr. Cuneo, The Butcher
Appears in The Godfather Game
Rank Butcher
Affiliations Cuneo crest Cuneo Family, Tattaglia crest Tattaglia Family
Status Deceased
Killed By Charlie Trapani
Birth 1st of April, 1962/38 BH, Lecce, Italy, Europe
Death 4th of June, 2010/10 AH
Weapon Cleaver, Machete, Standard Knife, Double-barrel Shotgun
Voice Actor Rod Gnapp
"Where's MY BUTCHER KNIFE!??? Fawkin' Corleone!"
— Sal to Trapani

Salvatore Cuneo was a butcher from Harepini in France and the younger brother of Don Phillip Cuneo himself.

He is a minor, cameo character in The Godfather Game.


Believed to be the legendary "Red Butcher", Sal cut up the victims of his family in the backrooms of his shop, in kind of similar role Pinkie Pie of the Stracci Family did. Tattaglias were afraid of Sal's reputation, and so they kept out of his way and accepted to protect the Cuneos' butcher shop from threats, as the two families were related.

In 2010, he was about to be made to pay protection to the Corleone Family, but he refused and was killed in return via a headshot. His death made the Cuneos very angry at the Corleones and in return they took part in the assassination of Santino Corleone few months later in September.
