This article, Salty Spittoon, is property of KGBSpetsnaz. |

The Salty Spittoon is a bar and restaurant that caters to mobsters, gangsters, bikers, rockers, metalheads, greasers, rednecks, and other related people. They have a strict rule of not allowing any weenies whatsoever. The bouncers always greet people lined up to go inside with “Welcome to the Salty Spittoon, how tough are ya?” Peter Kowalski, Carl Degrasse Dawkins, Jacob Schmitt, and Algernon Papadopoulos were all kicked out of the Salty Spittoon.
Heloise and Catnip have both been accepted into the Salty Spittoon. However, Jimmy Two Shoes, Beezy and Hello Kitty as well as several of her friends aren’t allowed within 1,000 feet of this place.