Made up Characters Wiki
Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Romy, is property of Customimage.

Biographical information
Real name Romy Romson
Nationality Russian flag Russian
Born January 14
Age 23
Status Alive
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Blood type B
Gender File:Transgender male Logo.jpeg Female (Youtuber) Transgender Male (IDOL TREASURE)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Chilli, Ruru, Yochi, Bonbon, Matetsu, Lawoo, Hikun, Ye-Dee, Som, Woopy, Podong
Enemies TBA
Occupation(s) Olimpynist
Notable family members Unknown

Matetsu (Boyfriend)

Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) TRUZ

Romy is a joyful kiddo who can lighten up the mood wherever he goes and makes friends with whomever he can. Because Romy always thinks on the bright side and has a positive outlook on life in general, you can hardly see Romy with a long face, unlike a horse. Trust me, once you see Romy's killer smile and swift dance moves, including the macarena, I bet you'll instantly be in a good mood. He will then proceed to hug you, if it's okay with you, of course.


Romy Romson was born on January 14, 2000 or 0 AH in Moscow, Russia. Both of his parents work at a Samsung company but in different positions. He is an only child and a very friendly guy. Folks say he got his friendly attitude from his mother, who is always cheerful as well. Even in his childhood, Romy was very much into sports, especially running and became a fan of Usain Bolt. He is a student at the University of Kyung Hee in Seoul. In addition, like most South Koreans, he is not a fan of their neighbour's, the North Koreans, since they live under the tight dictatorship of Wei Lee Kang.
