This article, Roman D'Angelo, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.
Roman D'Angelo (born December 22, 1992) is an Italian demigod born to Zeus and a mortal Italian woman named Maria (born 1963) in Venice. He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, like his older sister named Bianca. He is also the younger cousin of Russian demigods Milan Draganov and Natalia Draganova (children of Hades) and the older cousin of Perry Johnston (son of Poseidon). Even though he and Bianca generally get along with Perry, they can still sometimes get irritated with him. After all, they do have that stubborn gene in common with both Zeus and Italians. He can speak English, Greek, Italian, Russian, and probably multiple other languages. Based on the fact that Milan, Natalia, Bianca, Roman, and Perry are children of the "big three Greek gods", they potentially hold more power and even have a different scent to them than demigods born to lesser gods.