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This article, Roman Bellic, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Roman Bellic
Roman Bellic
Biographical information
Real name Romano Bellic
Also known as The Janitor, Roman, Romano, Rom, Cab Driver, Taxi guy, Rommy Boi, Obese cousin, Fatti Roman, Niko's cuisine (misspelling of his nickname)
Nationality Serbian flagSlovenia! Serbian-Slovenian
Age 31
Status Deceased (Redwood's ending), Alive (KGBSpetsnaz’s ending)
Birthplace Belgrade, Serbia, former Yugoslavia, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Slavic
Height 5'10 (178 cm )
Weight 110.3 kg / 243.2 lbs
Blood type B+
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Brucie Kibbutz, Jacob Hughes, Vladimir Papkov (formerly), Florian Cravic
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Notable family members Niko Bellic (cousin), Malorie Bellic (wife)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Grand Theft Auto: IV
Voiced by (English) Jason Zumwalt
"Niko! My cousin! I can't believe you're here! What? Купус? No, I've made sauce! *Laughs along with Niko and drinks some hot sauce* Niko Bellic: Uh... yes... Let's go - to the mansion, eh?"
— Roman and Niko when Niko finally showed up in US

Roman Bellic (name is pronounced as its spelled, not Row-man.) (born September 1, 1977) is the older cousin of Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto: IV. Just like Niko, he is from Serbia, only he moved to New York City in 1998. He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, unlike his younger cousin as he's always getting into trouble with Eric Borlinghathen and Russian mobsters like Vladimir Papkov. Borlinghathen's Associate hired Johnny Klebitz and Malc to kidnap Roman as he owed Borlinghathen money. Roman owns a taxicab company. He also loves bowling, going to nightclubs and gambling at casinos. Similarly to Brucie Kibbutz, Patrick McReary, Johnny Klebitz, Clay Simons, Terry Thorpe, and Jim Fitzgerald, he likes the stores Hot Topic and Spencer's. He also likes shopping at Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, and H&M. Halloween is his favourite holiday, alongside American Independence Day (4th of July), with the latter being due to living in the United States of America for a long time. If the Deal ending is picked, he will be killed by a hitman sent by Eric Borlinghathen and his godfather. However, if the Revenge ending or KGBSpetsnaz’s third alternate ending are chosen, Roman survives. For more information about the latter read the article: Grand Theft Auto IV: Third Alternate Ending.


"Me?? Never! I'd treat you like an idiot, not a biatch, eh? *Nervous laugh*"
— Roman to Papkov after he complains about Roman's sithy treatment
"C'mon, Dardan, we don't need jokers in our life, okay? Let's be serious here."
— Roman speaking to the Albanian mob over the phone
"You just killed Vlad! We're dead! We are so dead! Mikhail Faustin is going to kill us! You kill their guy, they kill you! That's how it works! You pissed off Faustin because Vlad was their men!"
— Roman after Niko Bellic kills Vladimir Papkov
"Come on, Niko, let's go. It doesn't seem he enjoys life too much."
— Roman to Niko about Darko Braznev
"Brucie, you need to chill. Either that or you need to go kill yourself."
— Roman to Brucie Kibbutz in the YTP
"Hey, Niko, let's go bowling."
— Rommy Boy calling his cousin for some bowling
"You're dating Bryce Johnson??? But he's so into family values."
— Roman after Florian Cravic tells him he's dating the biggest homophobe in town

Bowling song[]

Here is a song about just how many times Roman has asked Niko out for some bowling.


Let's Go Bowling
