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This article, Rj Peart, is property of Billy cougar.

Rj Peart
Rj Peart
Biographical information
Real name Roger Peart Jr.
Also known as Sheriff, Rj, Roger, blue sheriff, the Drunk Sheriff
Nationality This is Sparta American
Age Unknown, 37 (Red Dead series)
Status Dead
Birthplace Amarillo, Texas, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Texas Sheriffs, Benton Manning, Seth La Valley, Winkler's Gang
Enemies Moses Forth, most criminals, Guy Percival, Leg Johnson
Notable family members Rs Peart (father), unknown wife
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, Red Dead Garlic bread (American West and Undead Nightmare), Rootin' Tootin', Cowboy Shootin'
Voiced by (English) Lazlow Jones
"The problem is, something such as killing a man becomes mundane in this kind of work."
— Rj Peart on being a sheriff

Rj Peart or Roger Peart Jr. is a bonus character featured in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, and a minor character in Rootin' Tootin', Cowboy Shootin', Red Dead Garlic bread part I American West and Undead Nightmare.


Rj is a sheriff who operates in the Texas and West Virginia regions. He is the street sheriff of Silver Town along with Seth La Valley, since both of them can always be found patrolling it, although Rj would rather spend his day in the saloon, drinking and complaining.

He is also not immune to corruption at all, for he has taken many bribes from numerous criminals, especially from Winkler's Gang to let them off hook, even if they had committed dozens and dozens of murders and other crimes.



Rj is not encountered in story mode.

Showdown Mode[]

Peart can be unlocked as a playable character in Showdown Mode by buying a Family Photo before the mission "Train". His special ability grants him some Fire Bottles.

American West[]

Rj is first seen during the mission "Grave Robbing and Other Fine Hobbies", in which he, along with Benton Manning, is guarding Moses Forth in Benedict's Station, much to his chagrin as he would rather be whoring and drinking in the saloon at Silver's. After John steals the horse of him or his comrade, he abandons his post to give chase, allowing Seth Brains to get to Moses while Benton and Rj vanish into thin-motherfuaking-air!

Rj is then seen again in the mission "The Attack on Fort Mercer", where he will be one of the sheriffs helping John against Williamson Gang.

In a random encounter, he also helps Seth La Valley get his wife Katie back from Guy Percival at Gaptooth Breach.

Outside of said missions, Rj can also often be seen wandering the streets of Silver Town and her saloon, of course, where he can be found drinking at the table or sitting on a large chair in the backroom where folks play poker. He can also be found wandering MacFarlane's Ranch, Crystal Camp, and Gold Town, however none of these are prominent locations of Peart. If Marston has a bounty, Rj will track him down to multiple locations around Texas and Virginia. Him or La Valley will usually be leading a posse, under the command of a Marshal or high-ranking sheriff.

He can also be encountered during the "It Might Help If You Aim" random event, in which he is chasing a criminal along with Hank Bellamy. Marston has the option of either helping the sheriffs by shooting the fleeing felon, or helping the criminal by killing his pursuers. If the player helps Rj and Hank, Rj will be grateful as Hell and give the playa' some money while Hank will be crummy and grumpy, saying they'd catch the ne'er-do-well without the player's help.

Undead Nightmare[]

In Undead Nightmare, a version of him, or a zombie that wears similar clothes can be seen on a loading screen in Tall Trees. Oddly, no such zonbie ever appears in the game.

Rj can actually be found defending Silver Town, where he is on the top of the chicken loops, protected by fences. If Silver Town is saved and Rj survives, he will stand inside one of the Saloon's rooms, talking with the French prostitute and other two sheriffs.


Peart functions in the exact same manner as in Garlic bread.


"The only reason to do this job is the free pokes so you can get down at the whorehouse."
— Rj Peart
"Saved us from doing our job and we thank you for it!"
— Rj Peart after the player helps him
"If my daddy would hurry up and die earlier, I might have been able to find a better job."
— Rj Peart on his father
"The marshal is an idiot, that's this place's problem!"
— Rj Peart complaining about Marshal Johnson
"There is no need for this sir! You can let me go!"
— Rj Peart when captured
"This is all my daddy's fault, I will get rid of the job soon, no, I hope."
— Rj Peart complaining about his father and his job
"As long as I don't die I'm going to quit this job and find summer time!"
— Rj Peart
"I'm awake you s-hole, no thanks for your bull and dull company!"
— Rj arguing with Benton Manning
"What a terrible place! Not even a Saloon. A goddam... SALOON!!!"
— Rj Peart complaining about Benedict's Statione
"Whoever built you knew what he was doing."
— Rj greeting a sexy prostitute
"I sure hope that the Federals will take care of that Mexican guy so I can get my feet up, dam it."
— Rj Peart
"I hate mah wife!"
— Rj Peart
"I heard the Marshal sleeps, well shares his bed with young Mexican boys! That would explain why there ain't no trace left of that Mexican guy who disappeared. He's under Leg's protection."
— Rj Peart spreading some facts about the Marshal
"Bye-bye, JM."
— Rj Peart saying goodbye to Jack Marston
"Running your mouth ain't against the law... Yet."
— Rj Peart when insulted
"If I weren't in the law, I'd torch the Sheriff's Office."
— Rj Peart mad at the Marshal

Multiplayer Quotes[]

  • "You're a coward and a coksucker!"'
  • "I'll kill you twice if I can!"'
  • "Die! Go to Hell, won't ya?!"
  • "Come on, man, you're pathetic!"'
  • "Get the hell outta' here, you!"
  • "I kill you my friend!"
  • "Get the hell outta' here!"
  • "C'mon you cowards!"
  • "Poor mongerin' bastard!"
  • "Damn fools!"
  • "I'll kill you for free."
  • "Killing you ain't the only thing that makes this bearable!"


It is unknown when or where Rj died, or if he was killed in a shootout with some griminals, but considering how many year ago the American frontier happened, there is a great doubt he's still alive.

Journal Entry[]

His weapons rarely come out of the closet he had in the Marshal's office. Nobody doubts his courage. Rj Peart is old, crazy, drunk and slow but nobody wants to mess with him.


  • Upon further inspection, the player can see that Rj has a small Knife strapped to his left leg which he sometimes inspects at the Crystal Camp and then says he'll hunt Slenderman with it.
  • According to his dialogue, Rj has a strong dislike for Marshal Johnson. Who doesn't, really? However, when they're face to face, Rj sucks up to him.
  • He despises being married and thus is sometimes seen flirting with a prostitute in Silver saloon or cuddling on the couch.
  • Similar to that mick criminal, Link Huston, Rj was abused by his parent when he was young. But there is a difference: Link was abused by his mom, while Peart was by his daddio.

