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This article, Riggs Wesley, is property of Billy cougar.

Riggs Wesley
Agent Wesley
Biographical information
Real name Riggs Wesley
Also known as Riggy, DEA guy, Agent Wesley, Gord's bro, police
Nationality This is Sparta American
Age 46
Status Alive
Birthplace Johnson City, Tennessee, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'11
Weight 70kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) MPD, DEA, Miami SWAT, Gordon Wesley
Enemies Various street gangs and drug cartels, Montana Gang
Occupation(s) DEA agent
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: Twiy (1 and 2)
Voiced by (English) ?
"DEA! Drop it!"
— Riggs

Riggs Wesley is a minor character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Not much is known of Riggs' background at all, other than that he is a member of the MPD Drug Enforcement Administration and comes from Johnson City, Tennessee.


Riggs may only appear as an enemy character in the game when Tony Montana has maximum cop heat and the text "YOU ARE FAHED!" comes up to the screen. Riggs will then appear all over Miami with Agent Green, Tupper, and Clarence (whose parents have a real good marriage), and nothing will stop their ultimate desire to kill the trouble-making Montana, not even a trillion dollar bribe. Riggs and the rest of the DEA and SWAT members can also be seen in the intro mission, driving up to Montana's Mansion in their armed police vehicles and choppers. Riggs and the rest of his guys might also come up close to a Sausage's Army member and beat the living hell out of him with police batons and eventually beat him off to death if the player has enough time to let the cutscene of this event play. The player can never directly interact with Riggs in the game, and he may only serve as a random enemy when the player has maximum cop heat. Wesley does however, appear as a Bloodsport wrestler and can be bet money on. He is usually very good in Bloodsport matches and can find an easy way to win the fight too.


"Freeze, s-hole!"
— Riggs taunting an enemy

