Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Reginald Watts, is property of Billy cougar.

Reginald Watts
Dr. Watts 2
Biographical information
Real name Reginald Jones Watts
Also known as Dr. Watts, Mr. Watts, Watts, Reg, Reggie, Reginald, Ronald, Doctor
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American (of Scottish ancestry)
Born 17th of June, 1944/56 BH
Age 80
Status Grave Deceased
Birthplace Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour White (brown in his younger years)
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight 170 lbs (76 kg)
Blood type A-
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Dixmor Academy faculty, Hugo Slawter, Edna Abners (forced girlfriend)
Enemies None known, probably mean kids
Occupation(s) Science and chemistry teacher
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Jarel Davidow
"If I have children, I'll name them after the periodic elements. Easier to remember."
— Dr. Watts

Reginald Jones Watts was the chemistry teacher at Dixmor Academy in Bully and is a minor or supporting here in it.

Role in Game[]

Reginald Watts is the first teacher that Jimmy meets, as he gets sent to chemistry class right after the events in "This Is Your School".

Edna Abners has a crush on him, although he doesn't know it. Jimmy spends the course of a few missions helping Edna get ready for a date with Dr. Watts, but to do so he has to give Edna some perfume belonging to Deirdre Philips and some sedatives to slip into his coffee. After Watts falls asleep, Edna carries him home, ties him up, knocks him out again and rapes him. Reginald has no recollections about any of this, luckily.

In Scholarship Edition, one of the bonus missions, "Discreet Deliveries", has Watts hiring Jimmy to deliver a "chemical compound" he invented to various buyers. The compound is hinted to be hallucinogenic drugs, but is actually a treatment for male pattern baldness, which works.


Thanks to his complication of Alzheimer's and senility, he croaked not too long ago on his bed in the retirement home he was stashed in, in Texas. I say, for someone with his disease, he lived long enough. Too long, even.

Personality and traits[]

It is said that Reginald Watts has suffered brain damage from inhaling various chemical fumes over the years and appears to have Alzheimer's disease. He sometimes forgets people's names, both students and his fellow faculty, and he sometimes gets confused, for example briefly forgetting about class and being alarmed when students walked into his room. Chemistry isn't just his teaching subject but his hobby, and he spends most of his free time mixing chemicals. He seems to get along well with his BFF Hugo Slawter, although Slawter only sees him as a puppet.

