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2025 Weston Attacks

Red Light Insurgency


Second Cold War


February 14, 2025 - August 2, 2027


Metal, Universe-4789
United States of America, Universe-00
United Kingdom, Universe-7245
Australia, Universe-00


Adelaide Union Victory;

  • Surrender of Elroy Ross and at least a quarter of Red Light insurgents
  • The rest of Red Light is trapped in Universe-8299

Adelaide Union;

  • 800px-Flag of the United States svg United States of America (Universe-00)
  • Flag of Australia Australia (Universe-00)

Flag of Red Light Red Light

United Kingdom (Universe-7245)


Flag of WOLFHOUND Fleet Marshall Felicity Toothpick
Flag of WOLFHOUND Empress Midori Toothpick
800px-Flag of the United States svg President Richard Butler
Flag of Australia Prime Minister Ashleigh Remington

Elroy Ross the Dragon Head

King Evan XXII


Heavy Union Casualties

Heavy Insurgent casualties

1527 British soldiers KIA

Civilian casualties

10'000+ Civilian deaths


The Red Light Insurgency is an armed conflict between the Adelaide Union and Red Light while the United Kingdom of Universe-7245 refused assistance from the WOLFHOUND Empire and fought both the Insurgents and WOLFHOUND Empire.


2025 Weston Attacks[]

Several Red Light operatives boarded a train that goes through the Tunnel System which leads under Valentine's Day Plaza at Metal Central Mall. Red Light brings a stolen TXU into the conductor's car before killing him as they hijack the train and drive until it is directly beneath the Plaza.

An operative of Red Light activates the device as they about to drive under the plaza. Upon doing so; the TXU explodes destroying the tunnel beneath the Mall along Weston Central and Valentine's Day Plaza - resulting molten metal and several buildings being reduced to dust. 1027 Metalist Civilians are killed as a result of the explosion; indicate that Red Light tampered with the TXU to reduce the radius of the heatwave.

The Military and Police in the area were dispatched to the area and met with several Red Light Operatives as they greet the Police and Soldiers with gunfire.

8 Operatives are captured while the rest of the either killed or escape.

the conflict[]

Attack on Colorado Springs[]

The Insurgents steal a large container of Se7enX Bleach - a highly corrosive substance accidentally created to make a better version of regular bleach - and intend to use it to poison the water supply of Colorado Springs. The WOLFHOUND Empire sends a Task Force from their Bureau of Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Removal (CBR) to meet with the NSA and a Anti-Terrorist Division from the FBI to form a Task Force known as Task Force Red.


As a result of the Lockdown of Universe-8299 - the majority of Red Light is stranded in the universe while a quarter of Red Light surrenders to the Adelaide Union. Felicity introduces stronger and better rights to ensure that Faerie-folk especially Elves are receive the same opportunities as Humans and Vampires.
